Celebrate Life
Today will be a highlight of our Christmas holiday as Mary and I gather with our staff and lead team at MLC for our yearly Christmas Luncheon. We'll try to put our phones down, lock the front doors, abandon our offices and waiting work loads, just to get away from the rush so we can sit with each other,
No Secret at Victoria's Secret
So the Pink Elephant at any Mall in America is this store that just shouts and screams at you from the moment you walk by to come in and check out their merchandise. Doesn't matter how spiritual one thinks they are, it's close to impossible to not notice the advertisement and displays as you scroll
12/9/11 A Tribute to my only son, Christopher John Alessi, on his 20th Birthday
I'm up earlier than he is this morning so I thought I would take a few minutes to talk to this keyboard as though I was talking to him. As I find myself sharing my home with another man in the family, sometimes what I want to say to him get's all tangled up with this extra dose of dad testosterone that
Adjust Your Living, Not Your Giving

I think it happens somewhere between the ages of 10 and 12 that a child has this awakening that Christmas isn't only about them receiving gifts but also about sharing in the joy of giving gifts. At least that's what happening in the Alessi Family this Holiday season. Now that we have a grip on the Santa
Right Voices, Right Choices

I read about a man being asked on his wedding day if he was nervous about his wedding. "No way," he replied nonchalantly. "It's going to be a cup of cake." Every one of us gets tongue tied from time to time and words just don't come out the way they should. Thank God for good editors or else you would
A Better Thanksgiving Together

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is considered one of the heaviest travel days of the year as many Americans flood airports and roadways to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. Thanks to the bravery and unity of the English colonists we call Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Native Americans, in the
Words With Friends

Today millions of smart phone users around the world will engage in a game called Words with Friends. It is Scrabble for the iGeneration. What makes this game so addicting is not just the challenge of coming up with a word that will score you high points, but your ability to chat with friends across
Locked Out

Locked Out Psalms 139:23 The other day I saw a picture of Dwayne Wade having lunch at a street side cafe in Australia and I must admit it just hit me wrong. I thought, "Come on Flash. You're not supposed to be in the Outback. Your place is on the hardwood of the Triple-A Arena, soaring high above the
Game Time: Proverbs 24:16

Can we learn a lesson from a loss? As I watch my childhood sports heroes the Miami Dolphins this season, my heart aches over their 0-7 record. As with most sports fans in SoFlo, I was hoping and praying this year’s team would provide us with an exciting, competitive season filled with more wins than
GAP's (Pre-Revelation Zone's)
It's my opinion that of all the wonderful benefits life gives us, one of the top tier is the opportunity for self-improvement. While some choose to look at it as a grind, I see it as a gift always giving me the chance to change my life for the better. It helps me adjust the sales job of we're "doomed
The Rolex Man

Today's PrayDay Blog is dedicated to the memory of a dear friend, JC Diaz. This past Monday morning, in the early hours, a man that I've known for over 15 years, a man that loved and provided for his wife, daughter and mother faithfully, a man that gave and enjoyed his friends sincerely, and a comrade

Mary and I are blessed this week to be with our good friends and Churches in Covenant (CIC) family in Dallas at the Elevate Conference. Thus far we've heard from Bishop Tudor Bismark and Matthew Barnett (Pastor from the Dream Center in Los Angeles, CA, pictured below), and this evening Pastor Mike Hayes
Cup Size

So our family loves going to the movies and we're often guilty of finishing off the large sized popcorn even before the previews have ended. Of course, the previews in Miami are countless as the theater knows how late we can sometimes be here in SoFlo, even when it comes to getting to the movies. It
Business NOT As Usual: A Reflection by Pastor Mary

Exodus 33:15 “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." After 4 days of high energy, bright lights and loud music at the Worship Encounter and 14th Anniversary Services, some might feel it’s back to life as usual! Tonight, those of us who will gather again at Metro and

I'm loving Tuesday mornings with our Goodfellas at Metro these last few weeks as we've been gathering for morning prayer at 6:00 AM. Seeing the hunger in the guys is a sure sign to what God is doing in our hearts as He's drawing us closer and closer to Him. But, it's just the beginning to what we feel
Making Weight

I'm not sure why, but I just love a good fight. Not that I want to be in one, but watching two fighters in the ring going at each other gets my heart racing. Anytime I can, I'll channel surf to see if a good fight's on, and my DVR is set to record all of HBO's Boxing After Dark and Showtime's ShowBox.
To Know God Is To Love God

Today is a great day as it marks the beginning of our AIM Fall trimester at Metro and I get the honor of teaching the Attributes of God class for our first year students. I love this class and can remember how in awe of God I felt the first time I was studying and preparing to teach it. Here I've been
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