
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

GAP's (Pre-Revelation Zone's)

It's my opinion that of all the wonderful benefits life gives us, one of the top tier is the opportunity for self-improvement. While some choose to look at it as a grind, I see it as a gift always giving me the chance to change my life for the better. It helps me adjust the sales job of we're "doomed for despair" I feel and hear in the media, to the "skies the limit" assurance I feel when I break outside of the daily rut.

This Monday and Tuesday at Metro, I had the opportunity to spend 18 hours with our courageous Lead Team and Victor from Klemmer & Associates. The goal in mind was to get our team from where we are, to where we want to go and deal with the GAP that is standing in the middle. First objective was to Identify Gap, and then Eliminate the Gap. Let me tell you, I love being part of a team that's willing to get down and dirty and deal with their gaps, because let's face it, most people feel like they've already arrived. But our crew was ready to step out of the boat and take on the waves of change that are needed to improve on our potential.

We learned that a gap isn't necessarily a negative issue, as our facilitator showed us that a GAP stands for "God Always Positioning" us. But that's not how most of us have been raised. Gaps meant we've been doing something wrong...we're not bright enough...not gifted enough...not strong enough...not good enough. But I have great news for you today. When you look around and see gaps in your own life, think of them as "Pre-Revelation Zones", areas of your life where your Creator is about to show you more than you've ever known about you. He's about to reveal where you're right...bright...gifted...strong...healthy and more than enough to achieve what you're looking for in life. Your GAP's are nothing more than PRZ's.

Let me encourage you today to identify the GAP's in your own life and refuse to allow them to discourage or judge your effectiveness as a person. Instead, let them signal you to slow down for a minute and see what they can truly reveal about your future. Is it really a flaw, or is it God positioning you for something greater about to come your way? Is it a weakness, or is in an opportunity to grow past what was once perceived as your limit? Is it a burial ground for your dreams, or is it your Creator positioning you for the miraculous?

Like any school zone with the flashing yellow lights calling all drivers to Slow Down, I'm inviting you to join us this weekend at Metro Life Church to experience Klemmer & Associates first hand to see how you can improve yourself. As part of our learning this week, our Lead Team was taught the value of self-governing, and how we can all move new principles into the foundation of our life to change our behavior of love, respect, peace, integrity, honesty and trust. That one lesson alone can save a life that's been plagues by gaps. And that's why you need to slow down this weekend and not let anything keep you from services.

On this PrayDay, I'm praying for you and your gaps. I'm also thanking God for Mary Alessi, Armando Gomez, Mory Martinez, David Roman, Desiree Quinones, Jonathon Roman, Jackie Roman, Melanie Gomez, Jason Lamson, Christopher Alessi and the wonderful part-time staff and interns that make up our Lead Team at Metro. At the count of three, everyone say: Metro!

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The Rolex Man

Today's PrayDay Blog is dedicated to the memory of a dear friend, JC Diaz. This past Monday morning, in the early hours, a man that I've known for over 15 years, a man that loved and provided for his wife, daughter and mother faithfully, a man that gave and enjoyed his friends sincerely, and a comrade that served me and my family graciously each weekend, suddenly passed away. And tonight, along with his many friends and family members, our Metro Life Family will gather to say our final goodbyes.

We are all in shock this week as we try and piece together the emotions so many of us are dealing with. It was just this weekend at Metro that many greeted JC, hugged his neck, shook his hand, and patted him on the back. His always inviting spirit allowed him to connect with so many at a genuine level that made us love him deeply. And now we're finding it hard to process that he's not going to be around any longer. As one brother mentioned to me at prayer yesterday; "I saw him in the parking lot this weekend and he looked so busy. I went to say goodbye, but then thought I wouldn't bother him. So I left. Man, I wish I would have said goodbye."

As I prepare for this evening's Memorial Service, I'm inundated with so many great memories of JC. My relationship started with he and Maria back in the Amway days, before their beautiful daughter Melinda was born. Mary and I were always greeted with the warm, loving spirit that became the Diaz's calling card. Years later as we were growing our Metro family, I remember the day they walked in and reconnected and we were so encouraged by their presence as God used them to encourage us in the building of this baby church. For the last few years, JC Diaz has been my personal MPA (Ministry Personal Assistant). Each weekend as I pulled up to my parking space for service, he willingly and faithfully served me, making sure the little particulars were covered for me so that I can serve each member of our Metro family. Some people would see him and question; "Is he Pastor's Body Guard?" Not at all, he was one of the few men that joyfully took on the role as my Armor Bearer.

One more memory stands out in my mind when I think of JC. It was the day he came and gave me a beautiful green box. As I opened it in disbelief, tears immediately filled my eyes. It was a stunning Submariner, blue, silver and gold, Rolex watch. JC and Maria felt led of God to sow this extravagant seed into my life along with a gorgeous Rolex ring. I'll never forget that moment and what God spoke to my spirit when I saw this seed, and the bond it formed with me and JC. From that day on, whenever me and a ministry friend of mine would speak, on occasion he would ask me, "How is the Rolex Man doing?"

Over the years when we were building Metro, I felt that I should sell the Rolex to raise the needed funds for our building project. Each time I would hear the Lord tell me no, as this was a seed that JC and Maria sowed into "your" life, and "every time they see you wearing it, they are blessed by the harvest they can witness by the seed they've sown into your life and ministry." I'm so glad I never sold the watch, because now as I look at my wrist and see the beautiful time piece, I am reminded of the bond the Rolex Man and I will share in eternity. Yes, I will miss my dear armor bearer, but will never forget him as time clicks on by. He's left me with a special seed to always remember him by.

On this PrayDay, remember to pray for Maria and Melinda Diaz. And remember to always love and cherish every day God's given you to sow into the lives you love the most.

Finally, a small clarification on the funeral arrangements.  Metro Life will still have our normal services tonight.  Following service, we will all go to the funeral home to have a prayer time at 10:00 pm.  Tomorrow, the burial has been moved from 11 am to 1 pm.

Wednesday Oct. 19th
 Viewing from 6 PM till 1 AM
Prayer Service at 10 pm
Vior Funeral Home
 291 NW 37th Ave.Miami, Fl. 33125 

Thursday, October 20th
Burial Service at the cemetery at 1 pm
Miami Memorial Park
6200 SW 77th Avenue
Miami, 33143

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Mary and I are blessed this week to be with our good friends and Churches in Covenant (CIC) family in Dallas at the Elevate Conference. Thus far we've heard from Bishop Tudor Bismark and Matthew Barnett (Pastor from the Dream Center in Los Angeles, CA, pictured below), and this evening Pastor Mike Hayes will culminate the event with a powerful word on Elevation. As I write this PrayDay Blog, my heart is anticipating the morning sessions and my prayer is, "Stir it up in me, Lord. I'm ready to Elevate."

When I think of the word Elevate, I'm thinking higher levels of blessing and influence. Like Moses trekking up the side of the Mountain to have his encounter with God, the higher we go, the greater the manifestation of God's presence is. Good things happen on the Mountain. For Peter, James and John, it was on the Mountain they saw Jesus transfigured before their very eyes, and witnessed Moses and Elijah literally carrying on a conversation with Him. Abraham had a new revelation of God on the mountain and came down calling Him Jehovah Jireh, for in the Mountain of God He provides. And for me, I'm gathering information on this Mountain top and a download is happening in my spirit as I can see the promise even clearer from here because of what is transpiring at this vantage point.

Some of you know of the challenges hitting the Hayes and Dockery family's this past year. Pastor Mike was transparent when he shared with us in Miami the struggles they have faced with Stephen's wife Ericka and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Aime's fight with breast cancer. It seems like all Hell has broken loose about them. Even the weather in Dallas seems to mirror in the natural what has been happening in the spiritual, for this past summer had been a scorcher in Dallas with hot temps in the 100's and literally no rain. They have experienced the worst drought on record. At first I figured the State deserved it after the way their Mavericks tore up the Miami Heat in the playoffs last Basketball season. Okay, maybe not that severe, but you know what they say about pay-backs. JK

But it's from this place that God is bringing forth a word of Elevation, as now the hard rock has been cleared so that a new foundation can be set. And upon this foundation a new, exciting, greater work is being built. Thus, it's no wonder that a few weeks ago, out of nowhere Kathy Hayes blurted out the phrase that has stuck and is the theme for the conference; Celebrate Elevate. It's time to celebrate going to a higher dimension.

This morning looking out my hotel room window I see clouds and rain and the temps are pretty cool outside. Relief is in sight! Looks like they're coming out of this season of drought, despair and doom. It's time for promotion, peace and a new promise!

So on this PrayDay, Metro Life, before I head into today's meetings and services, let me say to you...celebrate where you're at today and get ready for elevation. All that has been taking place in your life has been setting the stage for a new work that God desires to do for you and in you. Though it may be hard to picture from where you're standing, I can honestly say that I can see it from here!

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Cup Size

So our family loves going to the movies and we're often guilty of finishing off the large sized popcorn even before the previews have ended. Of course, the previews in Miami are countless as the theater knows how late we can sometimes be here in SoFlo, even when it comes to getting to the movies. It must be the traffic. To accommodate the six of us, we usually purchase the 5-gallon paint bucket size of popcorn that we graciously pour into little tubs so each member of the family has their own. Me...I get to rule over the pouring duties, and the paint bucket stays with me. And Mary, don't tell her I told you, but she loves to mix her popcorn with Buncha Crunch. Must be a Southern thing.

As we gobble down the mammoth portion of popcorn, the salt pits in our mouths need a good refreshing and so with our purchase we usually pick up a few gallons of our favorite beverage. If we're lucky, the drinks will come in these huge, plastic, movie promoting cups that our son Christopher has begun collecting. I guess he remembers his days at McDonald's and all the collectable toys that came in his kid sized happy meals. Now, this collection of his is not that big, matter of fact there's only 3, but they're collectables nonetheless, and we both have our favorite. His is Captain America and mine is the classic, Pirates of the Caribbean. The girls and Mary fight over the Disney Cars cup.

I love my cup because every night when I'm headed to bed, that cup gets filled with ice and water, and after I've drowned my melatonin down with a cup of milk, I'm out cold. Every so often, I'll find myself waking up thirsty in the middle of the night and guess what's waiting for me on the night stand? You guessed it, my reliable Pirates of the Caribbean cup, ready to meet my need.

As I rolled over the other day to check out the time, I caught a glance of my big cup and I heard God say to my spirit: "How big is your cup of expectation today Steve?" The more I thought about that question the more I realized that sometimes my expectations of God can fit into the tinniest, shot-sized cups of blessing, and God in His faithfulness fills them every day. And when it says in His Word that He's an overflowing kind of a God, it is so true because His blessings abundantly exceed my small cup of expectation to the max. But what could I be experiencing if I just get a bigger cup size? What greater, more abundant blessing would I get to walk in if I increase my cup of expectation?

On this PrayDay, ask God to increase your cup of expectation and watch how He'll fill it to the overflow. Remember, He's an exceeding, abundantly kind of God. I think I'll start collecting my own Cups of Blessing. "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3:20)

One more thing, come join me and let's share some popcorn this Saturday, October 8, 11:00 AM, at Sunset Place, as Metro goes to the movies. I'm very proud of my sister, Deborah, and her debut Produced film, The Machine Gun Preacher, with Gerard Butler. Tickets can be purchased for $6.00 by calling the Church office at 305-592-5100.

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Business NOT As Usual: A Reflection by Pastor Mary

Exodus 33:15 “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here."

After 4 days of high energy, bright lights and loud music at the Worship Encounter and 14th Anniversary Services, some might feel it’s back to life as usual!  Tonight, those of us who will gather again at Metro and attend AIM or one of the many Impact Groups won't have to stand in line to get a seat or wear a wrist band or a t-shirt. It's just "regular" church. We won't be exhausted at work in the morning because the service went till 10:30pm nor will you have to rush home after work to get the kids and make a mad dash through the traffic to get a parking spot close to the front.  No, not today it's just "church as usual" ..........................NOT!

The purpose of any special service is to awaken a spirit of "renewal" in us. To cause us to want more of God every way we can get Him. We would stand in line for as long as we had to because of our anticipation.  If all the excitement is left on the final day of such an event then the success is not complete.  We have to bring what we've Encountered into our everyday lives. God has done such an amazing work in us through this experience that we won't ever be the same. You can't go back to the way we were 5 days ago!  You have been changed and re energized!  Your personal Worship Encounter testimony can be used in a way to touch the people around you so share it!  What moment did God use to really speak to you?  Was it during Carl Lentz's message or Martha Munizzi's singing?  Maybe it was Thursday night during Jonathan Stockstill or Friday with Bishop Garlington?  Maybe Pastor Steve really challenged you to give or Chris stirred up something in your teenager? Or maybe it was something you heard in your spirit as Pastor Mike Hayes spoke of the greatness of Metro Life.

If so, now what?  Going forward hopefully you have a compelling sense to get involved at Metro as a family member and not just a Metro attender?  If you are a server, then maybe this has drawn out of you a desire to advance to leadership.  I encourage you to refuse to let one ounce of this experience leak out!   Maybe more will be in attendance tonight because of what they experienced at the Encounter/Anniversary last week.  Maybe you will even see a difference in your family or your finances because of what God has done at the Encounter/Anniversary last week!  Maybe you've already seen it!  What has been done in you as you encountered God through your engaging worship?  Don't lose it or let it die. Live it out and let it grow! 

On this PrayDay let your worship be louder and your love be greater.  Let your giving be happier and your life be fuller because WE ARE NEVER GOING BACK.

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I'm loving Tuesday mornings with our Goodfellas at Metro these last few weeks as we've been gathering for morning prayer at 6:00 AM. Seeing the hunger in the guys is a sure sign to what God is doing in our hearts as He's drawing us closer and closer to Him. But, it's just the beginning to what we feel God is calling us to do.

After our time together, a few of the guys head off to work while a few others get together for breakfast. These last couple of weeks, I've made it my goal to get out and get in a good walk to stay on track to so that I can be FIT2BFree. This week as I headed out for my cardio stroll, it wasn't long before I was passed by a few of our guys who were jogging the 3 miles instead of walking. Of course, I couldn't be outdone, so off I went after them in full, slow jog mode, and before I knew it a little conversation went off in my head between my body, mind and heart. I couldn't believe the things they were saying to each other, and with each stride the conversation became more intense. It boiled down to the legs saying to the mind, "I'm done. I want to stop", and the mind saying to the legs, "you're not going to stop. You need to stay up with the group", while the heart was demanding, "you will not stop because you're a man." Well, after a while they called it a truce and settled on a cool walk/run compromise. And it was a win-win proposition, because according to my Nike iPhone app, 456 calories were burned and I finished just a few seconds off the pace of the Guerilla Group. Great! Now off to breakfast.

Tonight at Metro we begin another marathon of an experience as we launch our Worship Encounter to celebrate 14 years of Ministry. For 14 years we've been running with a vision to reach humanity for Jesus and Impact Everyday Life. It's been a great run! We've enjoyed a lot more victories than we suffered defeats. And God gets all the praise! At the same time, I'm so thankful for the many who have been running with Mary and I in this race. I wouldn't have enough room in this blog to mention you one by one, but you know who you are. Have we had a few intense conversations along the way? Yep. Have we thought about quitting? Yep again. Thankfully, though, we didn't stop running, though sometimes it was just a slow, cool walk. Good news is, we're here to celebrate the results of a Guerilla Group who just didn't stop these last 14 years, and now we're going to party together for a marathon of Worship, as we Encounter God through Engaging Worship!

On this PrayDay, know that Pastor Mary and I are so very thankful for all of you who are our Metro Family. We love having you in our lives! I'm amazed when I think of what the next 14 years are going to look like. But before that...let's party hard for the next few days together!!

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Making Weight

I'm not sure why, but I just love a good fight. Not that I want to be in one, but watching two fighters in the ring going at each other gets my heart racing. Anytime I can, I'll channel surf to see if a good fight's on, and my DVR is set to record all of HBO's Boxing After Dark and Showtime's ShowBox. I've even gone to see the new movie, Warrior, two times in the last week. Mary thinks it's an obsession, which makes watching it into the late night almost impossible because as she says, "it keeps me up at night when I'm trying to sleep." Obsessed? Maybe.

A key aspect to the fight is the training that goes into fight preparation. HBO has jumped on this fascination with a program called 24/7, which follows the fighters behind the scenes as they train up to the big fight. What you'll find in the gym these days with the managers, trainers and fight paraphernalia is a nutritionist who's been hired to make sure the fighter is properly nourished so he can train and perform at peak levels. Another reason is to help the fighter make weight, as fights are determined by weight divisions so the competition remains fair and competitive. Coming in overweight can disqualify an athlete from the fight.

As we prepare ourselves for the Worship Encounter in celebration of our 14th Anniversary of our Metro Life Church, we are sounding the alarm and calling for an all church 5 Day Fast. Not that we're wanting to shed the pounds, but as part of our spiritual discipline we're getting ready to have an encounter with God and we want to be ready. And fasting prepares the spirit of man to be strengthened. Instead of feeding our flesh, we putting our spirit on a strict nutritional plan of God's Word and prayer.

As Jesus was preparing for next level experiences in His life, He spent 40 days in fasting and prayer, and after taking on the devil himself in a full on fight, He came out victorious and never looked back. We could say about Jesus, that in the short three and half years of working, strategizing, preparing, training and fighting, He never lost a fight. He was unbeaten, undefeated, and totally underestimated. He was a Champion of Champions.

Let us prepare our spirits on this PrayDay and get ourselves ready for our own encounters with God. Spend time getting into the Word and find the value of fasting and how other great patriarchs of the faith benefitted from the practice. And then kick off the fast with your Metro Life family THIS coming Friday night at sundown. We'll conclude the fast together as a family on the first night of our Worship Encounter on Wednesday night at sundown.

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To Know God Is To Love God

Today is a great day as it marks the beginning of our AIM Fall trimester at Metro and I get the honor of teaching the Attributes of God class for our first year students. I love this class and can remember how in awe of God I felt the first time I was studying and preparing to teach it. Here I've been a Christian ever since I can remember and yet the more I studied the less I realized I knew of or about God. That's how enlightening this class was for me and the students that very first trimester. The good news is that we're starting it all over again tonight at MLC...and I so look forward to sharing the insights and revelations with a new group of students.

When it's all said and done over the next ten weeks of class, each student will have gained a greater knowledge for who God is, from a faith perspective and a higher exercise of reason. We'll learn the very existence of God is not merely that there is "something out there" - a force, an idea - to which the name "God" may be applied, but that there is a self-existent, personal Being who is the creator of all things and who transcends the entire creation, but is also present in every part of it.

One's faith in God is not anti-knowledge or anti-reason as the Bible doesn't say "for we walk by faith, not by thinking..." Quite the contrary, Matthew 22:37 tells us to "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Thus our faith in God is a higher exercise of reason and is not just faith, but "a faith" in God that reveals Himself to us on so many levels.

Once the argument of God's existence is settled, it's then we are able to connect with a powerful God whose is responsible for the Cosmos. An intelligent God who has pieced together and designed our lives. A necessary God of which all of creation depends on for their very existence. An infinite and unique God who is not bound by time or space. A moral and holy God who honors the moral compass of right and integrity within man, and a God who rules and reigns in the lives of those who put their total dependence on and in Him.

A. W. Tozer writes; "Where every man on earth to become an Athiest it would not affect God at all. To believe in Him adds nothing to His perfection. To doubt Him takes nothing away."

On this PrayDay, may you commit all your cares and burdens to God, and may you place your trust in Him alone, for knowing God and being known of God makes you love Him all the more.

Complete Wednesday Night Line Up At MLC:

The Attributes of God Class (Sanctuary)
Men's Fraternity - The Great Adventure
Life Interrupted - Women's Study
Marriage on the Rock
Single and Parenting
Starting Point

Life Kidz Children's Ministry
Infuz Youth Ministry

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Waiting Rooms: A Reflection by Pastor Mary

I have to admit I was not looking forward to today. The alarm went off at 5 am and I knew what it meant. Steve and I would quickly get dressed and head off to Baptist Hospital's cardiac center where he would undergo a procedure to check a possible blocked artery.

We arrive at 6 am, after a quick stop at Starbucks to make me happy, then to get in a long line and wait to register Pastor Steve.  Once he was registered we take a seat in the ...waiting room…to do none other than.....wait.  We were both a little nervous at this point but were quickly distracted and found ourselves laughing. There were a few folks falling asleep and as immature as it sounds, seeing that early in the morning provided some much needed comic relief.   Oh well, we had to do something while we were waiting!  Don't judge us :).  It's never the patients that fall asleep, just the family members who are there for support! 

After a few minutes the door opens and a very nice hospital staffer calls Steve's name and takes us upstairs to yet another .......waiting room. This one was a little nicer and much less crowded. And we wait.  Our wait was shorter this time and soon his name was called again and he was escorted off to get prepped for his procedure. As I wait in the waitingroom I'm in, Steve waits for the Doctor to arrive and for things to get underway.  We know that we have at least 2 hours before we'll know anything (the nurse said he'll let me know if it's a boy or a girl as soon as he can :) so I decide to get a few things done while I.........wait.

I'm reminded how easy it would be to use this time in the .....waiting room as a time to worry and bite my nails but what benefit is that to anyone?  It certainly doesn't help Steve and since I'm confident that the report will be a good one, why just sit here and worry?   I'm confident that God is in complete control of this outcome and I believe that we haven't come this far to be set back.  If that's what I believe then why not use this time to do something constructive?  Like write this blog!  Don't get me wrong, l don't enjoy waiting as much as anyone. I want the report without the process of the test!  I hate waiting for test results!  But a waiting period can be good for us.  It gives us a chance to count our blessings. (As I sit here this morning I can't help but notice a 16 year old boy who's here for a heart procedure...perspective).  It affords us an opportunity to discover things about ourselves. It allows patience to have "her perfect work".

The Isaiah 40:31 says "they that WAIT upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary, walk and not faint."

And there I go!  I've gone ahead and blessed myself!!!  I hope it has blessed you too.

On this PrayDay, find a renewed sense of strength as you wait on the Lord.

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There's Blessing in the Stressing

I'm starting out this Wednesday all stressed out and I haven't even had my breakfast yet. Actually, I'm doing it on purpose...under Doctor Raji's orders, which means I have to dress for this stress so I won't look like a mess, and even pay for this stress because it's a Medical test. Today I'm taking a stress test.

After taking care of the paper work, I'll be put through a few prep procedures with an IV placed in my vein, shoot it up with some nuc juice, take a few before/after images of my heart and eventually get on a treadmill where they'll connect these probes to my chest and begin my test. Dr Raji will be present and on his go I'll slowly start walking and eventually get to a fast walk or slow trot so that my heart rate increases and blood will be pumped through my body. The purpose of this is to check my heart, valves and blood flow to determine my heart health. As I sit here and write this blog in prep, I know it will all be over in a few hours and then I'll have the peace of mind knowing my ticker is doing just fine.

I find this whole Stress Test thing so ironic and see how it parallels to life. Here, in order to see the condition of my heart, or what's in my heart, I must place stress on it. No, it's not good enough to put a stethoscope on my chest and simply listen to my heart beat. It's not good enough to check my blood pressure alone. No, they have to place the heart under stress to see how it functions under "game day" conditions to determine just how strong and healthy my heart is. 

And that's the blessing we find in stressing. Not that we want to be walking around stressed out all the time as there is no blessing in that, but that we're able to discover something about ourselves every time we encounter a stressful situation. It goes right along with the saying; You find out what's in a person when they're stepped on, because what's in them is what comes out.

The good thing for me is this stress test only last for 3 hours, and then it's over, unlike the stress many are coping with regularly. On this PrayDay, ask God to show you what your stressful situation is accomplishing in you, and seek to determine a better way to handle the press, while you're dealing with the stress, so you too can pass the test.

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The Blessing of Spiritual Leadership - "A Lesson Learned at the Grand Canyon"

A few weeks ago Mary and the girls and I boarded a plane and headed to Flagstaff, Arizona. The purpose of the trip was to connect with our Pastor, Mike Hayes and a few other Pastors in the Churches in Covenant Network to see a new Church plant in the area and to confer with Church growth strategists. We were also told we would have some time to "sight-see" while there.

Truthfully, this trip was not on my "fav list" and after a summer filled with travel, I truly didn't want to go. I love Pastors Mike & Kathy Hayes and was looking forward to seeing them, especially since they will be at Metro at our 14th Anniversary Celebration on September 25th, but heading all the way out to Arizona was not the way I thought I needed to show my love. When I texted him earlier in the summer to let him know the tickets were too expensive, I thought for sure he would give me a pass and let me off the hook, since the economy is what it is (whatever that means??). Like the loving Pastor he is, Pastor Mike didn't give me the pass I was looking for, but instead suggested I try a cheaper route of travel. Not wanting to disappoint our Pastor, Mary booked the tickets and before we knew it, the day arrived and off we went to Flagstaff...and boy am I glad we did!

I can't even begin to tell you how exciting that trip was for us. To see the new Church plant in Flagstaff reminded me of the excitement we can experience when we step out into abandoned faith and totally trust in God. Then to hear from the guys at Kremmer & Associates speak on Leadership truths that immediately I put into practice when we returned (and they're coming to Metro in October), and even used in that Sunday's sermon (remember the clown glasses?).  And of course to connect with Pastor friends and to see our daughters stay up to 1 AM in the lobby playing board games with their kids. The whole trip was a true blessing, and to think I almost didn't experience it because I was about to let my excuse be bigger than my dreams. I'm so glad my Pastor didn't let me make that mistake.

That was the work portion of our trip, but you should have seen the play time...the Grand Canyon. We spent one afternoon aboard a train heading to see one of God's most beautiful works of art and it was spectacular! As we all stood overlooking the Grand Canyon, I found myself wanting to run up to Pastor Mike and Kathy and give them a huge hug and kiss to simply thank them for making us come to Arizona. If it wasn't for them, we surely wouldn't have made the trip and would have missed this beautiful sight and experience.

As we were heading back out of town that Friday, making the long and winding road trip down the Mountains, I was taken back by everything that occurred in that short 4 day trip and I heard God speak to my heart these words; "Just like your Pastor introduced you to the new experience of the Grand Canyon, if you follow and honor him, he'll introduce you to new experiences of faith in the Spirit."

On this PrayDay, pray for your Spiritual Leader and then commit to honoring and following them where ever they lead you, as doing so will expand your life to new experiences and horizons that you wouldn't have otherwise. And remember, Pastors help you avoid Disasters!

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