Right Voices, Right Choices
Recently I was sharing about the power of "training our brain" to focus and see the good in a situation. I used the example of a policeman and how they're trained to see what's broken and flawed so as to protect and serve. I guess when I say it like that it seems a bit oximoronish. Focusing on the broken to keep things right. Yet, have you ever had a policeman drive up next to you at a stop light and give you the thumbs up for all your tails lights working? Have you ever been stopped for driving the speed limit? That's not going to happen. Yet every time we drive pass a policeman we immediately get all tense and nervous wondering if we're "breaking the law".
Just as our Law Enforcement has been trained to see what's broken, we've allowed that same thing to happen to us. Because of the negative going on around us in the World, we've "trained our brain" to see and emphasize the negative and many times because we are seeing what's broken and flawed, we speak about what's broken and flawed. As the Bible says, "...out of the abundance of your heart, the mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45)
We have exactly 31 days in 2011 to finish this year strong and finish strong we shall. But it's going to take getting our brain, our heart, and our mouth on the same page. This is not the time to misspeak. We have to articulate it right so that we can keep the conditions around us right for a great finish. It's similar to rounding the last hundred yards of the 5-K Heart Walk/Run our staff was involved in last year. I'm in no way a runner, but I sure wanted to get this thing over with as quickly as possible. As I rounded the corner with Desiree, our wonderful bookkeeper, we were both feeling it and ready to just walk across the finish line. Our bodies were telling us to slow down and just cruise, but our brains were shouting at us to finish strong. So I began yelling to her and at her, "let's go Dez. Run, faster, faster, we're going to finish." She's yelling back, "No, I'll walk...I'm tired." But she didn't walk. Instead, she listened to my ranting and the two of us ran across the finish line and finished strong.
On this PrayDay let me encourage you to do two things as you prepare to cross the finish line in 2011. First, make sure you're listening to the right voices that should inspire you to do your best and be your best. Right voices, right choices. And second, train your brain and mouth to speak words of affirmation, encouragement, and truth. And while you're running, I'll be right beside you yelling, "You can do it. You can finish strong." For as Proverbs 18:21 declares, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." You will finish strong!
Speaking of the right voices, be at MLC tonight to catch Pastor Mary speaking in our Wednesday night service. We'll have the entire team ready to go for a great ministry night, and we're looking forward to seeing you there.
A Better Thanksgiving Together
On that note, I would like to share with you the comments of fellow blogger and pastor, David Arnold: "Without Dissent"
A man was riding next to the driver of a western stagecoach. Being skilled in the use of a whip, the driver began to demonstrate his ability. Pointing to a twig lying on the road, he said, “See that twig? Watch it.” He cracked the whip, and broke the twig in two. A butterfly flew ahead of the coach. “See that butterfly? Watch it.” He snapped the whip, turning the insect into powder. After a moment, he said, “See that hornet on the harness? Watch it!” He snapped the whip, and the hornet disappeared. The passenger was quite impressed, and said, “See that gray thing hanging from yonder tree? I’ll bet you can’t hit that!” The driver carefully looked, and answered, “I certainly could, but I won’t. That is a hornets’ nest.” “But,”protested the passenger, “You had no trouble with the other hornet.” “I know,” replied the driver. “I can handle an individual, but those boys are organized!”
After Israel received Moses’ word from God for them in Exodus 19:8, we read, “Then all the people answered together, and said, ‘All the Lord has spoken we will do.’” They answered together as one man, nemine contradecente – without dissent. They agreed together to the covenant proposed. James Stewart wrote, “One of the most striking features of the first disciple groups was the diversity of character it contained. It was an amazing synthesis of humanly irreconcilable elements. Isaiah’s vision of the wolf and the lamb dwelling together was surely near fulfillment when Simon the zealot, the fiery nationalist, went arm in arm with Matthew, the tax gatherer and publican! Only one thing could explain that strange union; they had each found Jesus.”
There are New Testament passages where the background of the Greek games is evident. In Philippians 1:27, “striving together,” and Philippians 4:3, “labored with” are from a Greek word used for athletes competing together against their opposition. In Romans 15:30, “strive together” speaks of the same truth. The root of the word comes into English in the word “agony.” This is a plea for unity among the saints, and the agonizing effort in contending against evil, instead of the use of their energy in contention with each other.
In the time of their great religious wars, when Holland stood out so nobly against Spain, one of their mottos was: “Unity gives strength.”
On this PrayDay, remember this; If it was good enough for the Founding Father's of our Faith and the Founding Fathers of our Nation, then Unity is perfect for our Family gatherings and our Metro Life Family. As our wonderful women of Metro have said recently, we are all Better Together.
And from the Alessi Family (Mary, Christopher, Stephanie, Lauren, Gabrielle & myself), we pray you have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
A special Thank You to Uncle Dave Arnold, Pastor, Gulf Coast Worship Center
New Port Richey , Florida 34654 www.davidarnoldonline.org
Words With Friends
This week, three friends got together to find words that would describe why they desired to honor Pastor Steve for his upcoming birthday. And although points weren't the goal, the words themselves are a reward to Pastor for living a life worthy of honor.
Encouragement - by David Roman
I think many would see praise as the epitome of encouragement but what makes Pastor Steve such an interesting person is his uncanny method of encouragement. Hang with Pastor long enough and he has the habit of challenging you to “Think Bigger, Believe for Better and Always Do More”, and not because you want to but because you have to! Comfortable gets you what ya got and it keeps you where you are.
We are not called to the comfortable or convenient, we are called to be transformative agents in the world we live in. If Pastor sees that potential in you, he is bold enough to challenge you to heights you might not think you could reach so when you do arrive your reliance on God has grown, your commitment to yourself has been elevated and you know that you were never alone (cause Pastor was pulling you up to enjoy the view). The ability to draw the best out of you even when you don’t know what that is; that’s best and truest picture of encouragement.
Integrity – by Armando Gomez
2000 years ago, a certain Man named Jesus did not only what he HAD to do, He did what was RIGHT; right by His Father, right by His calling and right by us. In doing what was right, He set an unprecedented example of love, grace and mercy that we still benefit from today.
Many men have been called to carry the mantle of this great Man and I have been privileged to watch; better-said experience, how it is that a mere man could carry such a weight. It is by Integrity; the ability to be honest, truthful & reliable…in a great sense, upright.
In my life, this upright man is my Pastor; Pastor Steve Alessi. And on his birthday I see it quite fitting to honor him; to bring tribute to him. It is because of the way that he carries himself; with integrity, that he has been so instrumental in affecting my life and the lives of so many others for the better.
For 15 years now, he has been doing not only what he HAS to do, he’s been doing what is RIGHT; right by his Father, right by us…right by me. He has set the same example of love, grace and mercy that I still benefit from today. He carries this mantle, and has done so daily; with Integrity…and for that I am a changed man and forever grateful.
Loyalty - by Mory Martinez
24 years ago this Christmas I walked into Grace Church of Kendall and met Pastor Steve for the very first time. You can imagine that through these years I have watched his life play out, including all the good and bad stuff that comes along the way. I also have witnessed his response to the good and bad happening to those around him. And if I had to summarize in one word who Pastor is to me, that word would be loyal. In the midst of a fire, Pastor Steve doesn't walk away. In the midst of a trial, Pastor Steve doesn't retreat. In the midst of a worthy fight, Pastor Steve doesn't throw in the towel. When adversity comes, he is at his best and remains steadfast, faithful and true to his calling. Loyalty comes naturally to him because of his genuine love for people and his sincere desire to see us walk in God's blessings. Thank you Pastor Steve for never giving up and for modeling to us what true love is - making sure we too stay loyal to receive God's best.
This weekend Pastor Steve will be celebrating his 51st Birthday and we have an opportunity to honor him for who he is including his demonstration of encouragement, integrity and loyalty in our lives. Remember to pray for him and ask God how you too can give him honor in words and deeds for the gift he is to you and your family.
Give double honor to spiritual leaders who handle their duties well. This is especially true if they work hard at teaching the word of God. 1 Timothy 5:17
Locked Out
Psalms 139:23
The other day I saw a picture of Dwayne Wade having lunch at a street side cafe in Australia and I must admit it just hit me wrong. I thought, "Come on Flash. You're not supposed to be in the Outback. Your place is on the hardwood of the Triple-A Arena, soaring high above the rim dazzling defenders on your way to an earth shaking slam with all of Miami on your back." But he's not, as the NBA lockout is keeping our super star athletes jet-setting around the globe, instead of hooping it up on the court.
It's the 132nd day of the lockout with the team owners and players in the NBA working out a financial deal each can live and play with, and it's big business that I don't even pretend to know anything about. Like most fans, I just want the big guys to get the deal done so we can end the lockout and go back to watching Wade, LeBron and Bosh do what they do best...play basketball. Yet before that's going to happen, important daily affecting, life impacting business must be hammered out and agreed upon. And until that happens, forgetaboutit, everyone's locked out of Basketball. For as they say, It's Show Business, not Bro Business.
Now before we go pulling out a soap box and telling the world how selfish, greedy and arrogant the NBA owners and athletes are, think for a minute about our own lives. From a spiritual perspective, are there areas in our own lives where we've posted a "Locked Out" sign to God? Maybe its something we didn't agree with Him about so we've silently closed the door and walked away on that chapter of our God relationship. Here's one for starters; Prayer? Or maybe reading and obeying His word? What about our weekends, or better yet our money? Take it a step further. If we've locked God out of our lives, what about our spouse? Our kids? Other people who truly love and care for us? How we relate to God is usually a good indicator of how we relate to others.
At our Goodfellas 6:00 AM Prayer this week, one of the guys prayed passionately about letting God cut away the stuff that needs to be taken out of our lives. As he prayed, it seemed to strike a cord in all the fellas as sounds of "yes" and "do it", filled the room. The more intense the invitation to "cut us Lord", the louder the agreement from all the guys. It resembled the Rocky movie scene, when Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed were going at it toe to toe in the ring, and in the corner when he's beaten, bruised and bloody, Rocky cried out to his trainer, "Cut me, Mick. Cut me."
I've found that God will only step into our lives in the areas where He's allowed access. To keep Him locked out will keep Him locked out. Yes, He may be all-powerful, but He's limited by our own individual wills, and giving Him permission to only work in the comfortable areas of our lives, is in truth causing us to miss out on the total God experience.
The NBA Lockout is having a far reaching affect on millions of people when you take into consideration the loss of revenue in each city and market. It goes beyond players and owners putting more money in their coffers and the fans just enjoying a good game, as those connected to the sport are beginning to feel the pinch now that games are canceled. And the same trickle down affect is experienced when we keep God locked out, as over time we will begin experiencing the pinch in every area of our lives. So what do we do?
On this PrayDay, follow David's lead and give God permission to do a Heart Search on you. Pray: "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts" (Psalm 139:23). Who knows, you may find an area where you have locked God out of your life. And if you have, then end the Lockout today so we can all go back to enjoying life the way God intended us to do.
Game Time: Proverbs 24:16
Follow Pastors Steve and Mary
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