Today millions of smart phone users around the world will engage in a game called Words with Friends. It is Scrabble for the iGeneration. What makes this game so addicting is not just the challenge of coming up with a word that will score you high points, but your ability to chat with friends across the globe while you do it.
This week, three friends got together to find words that would describe why they desired to honor Pastor Steve for his upcoming birthday. And although points weren't the goal, the words themselves are a reward to Pastor for living a life worthy of honor.
Encouragement - by David Roman
I think many would see praise as the epitome of encouragement but what makes Pastor Steve such an interesting person is his uncanny method of encouragement. Hang with Pastor long enough and he has the habit of challenging you to “Think Bigger, Believe for Better and Always Do More”, and not because you want to but because you have to! Comfortable gets you what ya got and it keeps you where you are.
We are not called to the comfortable or convenient, we are called to be transformative agents in the world we live in. If Pastor sees that potential in you, he is bold enough to challenge you to heights you might not think you could reach so when you do arrive your reliance on God has grown, your commitment to yourself has been elevated and you know that you were never alone (cause Pastor was pulling you up to enjoy the view). The ability to draw the best out of you even when you don’t know what that is; that’s best and truest picture of encouragement.
Integrity – by Armando Gomez
2000 years ago, a certain Man named Jesus did not only what he HAD to do, He did what was RIGHT; right by His Father, right by His calling and right by us. In doing what was right, He set an unprecedented example of love, grace and mercy that we still benefit from today.
Many men have been called to carry the mantle of this great Man and I have been privileged to watch; better-said experience, how it is that a mere man could carry such a weight. It is by Integrity; the ability to be honest, truthful & reliable…in a great sense, upright.
In my life, this upright man is my Pastor; Pastor Steve Alessi. And on his birthday I see it quite fitting to honor him; to bring tribute to him. It is because of the way that he carries himself; with integrity, that he has been so instrumental in affecting my life and the lives of so many others for the better.
For 15 years now, he has been doing not only what he HAS to do, he’s been doing what is RIGHT; right by his Father, right by us…right by me. He has set the same example of love, grace and mercy that I still benefit from today. He carries this mantle, and has done so daily; with Integrity…and for that I am a changed man and forever grateful.
Loyalty - by Mory Martinez
24 years ago this Christmas I walked into Grace Church of Kendall and met Pastor Steve for the very first time. You can imagine that through these years I have watched his life play out, including all the good and bad stuff that comes along the way. I also have witnessed his response to the good and bad happening to those around him. And if I had to summarize in one word who Pastor is to me, that word would be loyal. In the midst of a fire, Pastor Steve doesn't walk away. In the midst of a trial, Pastor Steve doesn't retreat. In the midst of a worthy fight, Pastor Steve doesn't throw in the towel. When adversity comes, he is at his best and remains steadfast, faithful and true to his calling. Loyalty comes naturally to him because of his genuine love for people and his sincere desire to see us walk in God's blessings. Thank you Pastor Steve for never giving up and for modeling to us what true love is - making sure we too stay loyal to receive God's best.
This weekend Pastor Steve will be celebrating his 51st Birthday and we have an opportunity to honor him for who he is including his demonstration of encouragement, integrity and loyalty in our lives. Remember to pray for him and ask God how you too can give him honor in words and deeds for the gift he is to you and your family.
Give double honor to spiritual leaders who handle their duties well. This is especially true if they work hard at teaching the word of God. 1 Timothy 5:17
Follow Pastors Steve and Mary
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Pastor Steve you have been the "Overseer and Protector of My Soul". It has been an honor serving you and being disciple by such a great man. You’re a man who possesses and models a Christ-like leader, living a discipline life, always putting God first. I have benefited from your unwavering love for God and His Word, as I have seen you bandaged many hurts; give strength and direction to those that found themselves lost and have seen your immense love for your family and your sheep. The Quinones family is eternally thankful to God for choosing you as our Pastor. We honor and celebrate you.... Happy 51st Birthday! We Love YOU!
COURAGE. For some, standing up when everyone is sitting down is not always the most comfortable thing to do. Likewise, standing up and preaching the words God has written can be challenging as well. But week after week, our man of God, diligently listens to the Spirit to courageously stand up in front of his flock (and the city) to share with them the insight God wants us to live out.
Our sheppard is a picture of courage [{mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty}]. Pastor Steve IS mental and moral strength who ventures, preservers, and withstands the enemy’s danger, fear, and/or difficulty with the mantle of strength that God continually pours over him.
Why “word” Pastor as courage? C. S. Lewis says it best… Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
Happy Birthday Pastor Steve!
Friend...Webster's defines friend as "One attached to another by affection or esteem" I have been blessed with the unique privilege of calling Pastor my friend for over 20 years. I have both genuine affection and great esteem for him as a Pastor, and as a man. I have learned that when you are attached to someone that is going in the right direction then you will eventually end up in the place that God has pre-destined you to be. So if Pastor Steve is going to the left...then I'm going to the left, and if he's going to the right...then I'm going to the right. Happy 30th anniversary of your 21st Birthday!
INSPIRATION(AL)- My word for Pastor Steve is INSPIRATION(AL). The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines inspiration as a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation. The word INSPIRATIONAL as an adjective has many synonyms such as awakening, spirit, energy, passion, insight and sparkle. The word INSPIRATION as a verb has many synonyms such as influence, encouragement, guide and education.
Since meeting you for the first time on Easter Sunday of this year, you have truly been both an INSPIRATION as well as an INSPIRATIONAL part of my life and in my husband's life as well. It was on Easter Sunday of this year, whereby through your inspirational sermon, the Lord actually reached deep into my heart, and soul and I wept like a baby as I felt the Grace and Love of our Lord overwhelm me. It was on that day I truly came into knowing our Lord God, our Savior Jesus Christ. It was on that day I truly gave myself to the Lord. To this day I can still remember key components of your sermon such as the tomb is empty which means Jesus is alive. You kept saying that as He rose, so can we too rise out of our challenges, out of our despair, out of our depression and our setbacks. You played a video of a couple who gave birth to a child with half a heart. The couple were initially given two choices by their doctor, to either terminate the birth, or give birth and expect the child to die within weeks. They ended up giving it all up to God, and were blessed with a child with half a heart, that through God's grace lives on.
The energy, the passion, the education, the insight, the INSPIRATION you brought me on that day, I will never forget. I continue to learn each and every day that God is truly in control of everything. You can rise out of all your challenges, setbacks etc.. I look forward to each and every one of your sermon's, teachings, writings and so forth as I'm always obtaining INSPIRATIONAL messages from them.
My husband and I wish you nothing but the very best not only on your birthday but always. Enjoy your 51st birthday!!
DO - Small word that won't get me anywhere in winning but I believe this is what Pastor Steve's heart is all about. Humble in heart, lowering himself all the time, but DO-ing IT in all aspects of life. Thanks Pastor Steve for your example. Happy 51st Birthday!
SUPPORTIVE! 3 years ago I walked into Metro Life Church after having major heart surgery. I was looking for a place to inspire me. A church where I and my family would be accepted and feel comfortable. As soon as I heard Pastor Steve's word, I knew I had found my home church. I felt moved by his words and his passion for the lord, his church, and his church family. After learning of our similar heart conditions, I felt a connection to him. Pastor Steve cares so much for Metro Life Church and everyone who attends a service. I feel at home when I step in those doors, and it is all because of him.
Thank you for showing me how to really connect with God.
Happy Birthday!
HUMBLE. Although there are many wonderful words to describe Pastor Steve, I chose humble because it's what impressed me the most about him. He always takes the time to greet us at one time or another making us feel special and cared about. I am glad to be a part of Metro Life Church, and Pastors Steve and Mary are a huge reason why. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASTOR STEVE!!! GOD bless you
Magnanimity..........which means giving credit where it is due...I have been a member of MLC for the past 3 years and he is always uplifting,motivating and honoring his loved ones.. He is always praising his staff, volunteers, friends and family.. he also takes personal responsability for his actions and mistakes. He has and shows respect,kindness and love for his church... that wraps up,a little of pastor Steve,, have a bless and happy bday.. Milly Torres
GRACIOUS! We chose this word because it sums up everything that our Pastor has been to us. Pastor Steve is kind, courteous, caring and giving! He goes above and beyond his call of duty. He gives without expecting anything in return. We are humbled and thankful to him for all the unmerited favor he has shown us!
Happy birthday Pastor Steve! May God give you the desires of your heart!
The Bernaldos
Compassionate- I choose this word because since the first day i met Pastor Steve he has welcomed me with open arms. I've reached out to him so many times for advice, support and prayer. He surpassed my expectations of a Pastor by providing more that what i asked of him. He's offered me guidance, compassion and an unconditional love a Father has for his child. Pastor Steve, since I've met you the mess that i was, I have improved so much and have made so much progress in making the positive changes I needed to make to live a life pleasing to GOD. Because of you and your encouragement every day i am moving forward and taking those steps in the right direction. You make MLC work. You have built it upon FAITH, LOYALTY, COMPASSION, LOVE and HONOR and you have given me a home. You have given me a place to go to for peace, rest, fellowship, and even at times when i just need a friend to turn to and that i'm so grateful for. You have been such a blessing in my life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you are to me and to MLC. I love you. May you have a wonderful, memorable and blessed Birthday. XOXO
COOL: He is cool!