
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

A Gigantic Leap

Have you ever just had one of those days? I'm talking about the kind you just wished never happened and If there was a way to go back and erase it from your life you would. I'm talking about a real time "do over"...ever wish that could happen? Welcome to Leap Day! That extra day our Creator gives us every four years as a make up day for some of the not so good days and faux pas of life. But this day isn't just a gift from God, it's also a sign from heaven.

A few weeks ago I had one of those days that I wished to do over so the ending would be different. If I could have hit the repeat button, I would have gone through that day making a few tiny adjustments and it probably would have ended differently. But that wasn't the case and the next day I woke up fuming...I mean angry, ticked, really mad, because the night before someone had broken into our house and we were robbed! Yeah, you would be pretty upset too.

That Wednesday started out pretty productive and ended connecting with lots of good people at Metro. We did our WWF thing and listened to a group from our AIM School share good sermon quips. I took care of a little business with my advisors, said goodbye to our people and Mary and I were out the door. We stopped by the grocery store for a few minutes, ran into a good friend and home we came. I walked in the house, fed the dogs, took out the trash as Mary headed back to our bedroom, and I then heard her call my name, "Steve, we've been robbed." Sure enough, they broke right through the french doors in our bedroom and went right into our closets. Glass everywhere, drawers pulled out and emptied, and our jewelry was no where to be found. Punks!! They got our nice watches.

In all my years growing up and living in Miami, this is the first time someone has actually broken in and robbed my house. Watching the news it seems to happen quite regularly in every community and that's why we have dogs, install alarm systems and even put in security cameras as deterrents to thieves. And there's one more thing the authorities warn us about...and that is to not become too comfortable in a routine, just in case a bad guy is watching and stalking you out. And that's where I dropped the ball, because I'm all about routine.

For real, I haven't changed my "morning routine" in over 30 years. You know what I mean, right? Get out of bed, run to turn on the coffee, head back to the room, take my meds, brush my teeth and look at myself while I'm brushing my teeth and have a conversation with myself about how I need to get in shape (I'm in shape, just not the right shape), get a little plastic surgery, go back to contacts, on and on the internal conversation goes. "Don't get too comfortable in a routine", are you kidding me...I've been wearing the same black "bedtime" shorts for 5 years! If I'm pushed out of my routine, I'm a bear to live with. I can't function without a routine, which means I am a sitting duck for a thief. I only wish for that one day I would have done something out of my routine and maybe, just maybe, the burglary wouldn't have happened.

Well, guess what, life's not fair and life's not perfect. Yes, I know you've heard that before, but today...Leap Day is a big reminder of that. The reason we even have an extra day on the calendar this year has something to do with the earth not "precisely" being able to orbit the sun in 365 days, so they include a 366th day to fix it. That word "precisely" is huge and means the earth's rotation is not perfect. Not that I'm blaming anyone for this tiny oversight because it seems to be fixable every four years, but that my friend is great news to those of us who aren't perfect and make mistakes. I mean if creation needs a do over to re do it's stuff, then so do I.

So today, I'm going to have a great day and maybe, just maybe, do something out of my routine like brush my teeth with my left hand instead of my right. May feel awkward, but why not try something new and take advantage of this extra special day? What about you? The thought my good pastor friend Brett Jones from Houston Texas inspired me to ponder is this: If God has given us an extra day every four years as a gift, what are you going to do with it?

13 Responses so far.

  1. Thanks for the chuckle Pastor about the black shorts. I think it's a "guy" thing. That whole routine stuff. Tommy is quite particular about his bedtime shorts too. Then I tell him it's time to move on and his response is, "But they've served me so well.." LOL

    However, ruts are certainly not conducive to progress. It's so hard to break a habit or a routine and what's worse is that we don't realize when we're in a routine that is leading us into a rut. We find out when tragedy or loss strikes. Thank you for sharing your insight and transparency about your break throughs as well as your struggles. I love to say, "Yeah, Pastor, me too..." I know I'm not alone and you give me hope with your "Aha" moments and your progress. Love you and see you tonight!!!!

  2. Rosi says:

    Pastor you crack me up! I am a creature of habit, out of my routine I freak out. I don't like to change my route to work, to church, I have everything set just so. I lived in chaos a long time and the habits and routines give me comfort and yet I know that God stretches me out of those ruts for a reason. I am growing and growth involves pain and leaping (oh yeah, pun intended)into the unknown God has waiting. Today, instead of my usual Wednesday attire I am wearing new pants, new blouse and even new shoes (yes, they hurt a little, but they're really cute). Why save my new stuff for an occasion! Thank you God for the extra day! Thank you Pastor for sharing yourself with us. See you later!

  3. Unknown says:

    Your too much Pastor (wearing the same black shorts for 5 years? now we know what to get you for your next bday )In regards to a day that you could do over? How about years you could do over? Boy oh boy! But Praise God I was given a leap year by Christ, a new life, a new beginning a fresh start and because He's redeemed me I can start new...like they say in spanish "borron y cuenta nueva" translated wipe the slate clean and learning how to live a Champ Life this time around...so see u tonight WOOP WOOP..

  4. LadyRamJ says:

    awesome word P.S. - u r 2 funny, but the truth is I've had some do over days and I'm gonna try something new today -not sure what just yet...but I'm gonna do it!

  5. LOL! This was funny. I try to do things different everyday, big and small, so I don't get into a boredom rut, and so my kids don't either.

    LOL! This was funny. I try to do things different everyday, big and small, so I don't get into a boredom rut, and so my kids don't either.

    LOL! This was funny. I try to do things different everyday...

  6. Anonymous says:

    As a person who values routine - I really appreciate this! It's always good to move outside the comfort zone and grow. Thanks for the inspiration!! Love you guys, mE

  7. Jackie says:

    I think as we become seasoned in our life, having a routine gives us a sense of order to live by and maintain. Changing up our routine is a good idea and can be challenging but needed. Great post.

  8. jccares4u says:

    Wow,that's awesome writing Pastor Steve! I have a morning chores routine. After that I'm unpredictable! But if my morning chores get thrown out of routine, boy I become a bow wow! As for the do over, well I've had plenty of those. it's always in my prayers that u have fewer days like that....

  9. Anonymous says:

    Do over?
    My first thought was to choose a day of many that I would like to do over. Maybe I nee to setup a daily routine!! Lol
    But Hey!!! Without all those days of mistakes, illusins stolen would not be the person I am. (Love myself lol)
    God teaches and guides us daily.
    I choose this extra day to be happy, walk in Faith, be obedient. Love my kids more than ever! I'm bless!! :)

  10. Great blog Pastor, I won't say what Jeff wears (NCA)some of my friends will know what that means ;)

    I am grateful for "do overs" from God, I feel that He gives me one everyday. I have had those days that I want to erase and memories that I never want to erase, but I also know that God will use and has used every moment whether they have been good or bad.(Romans 8:28) I Know that He has grown my faith by getting me through the hard times and when I have gone through some wonderful moments, the memories of them are always in my heart. Most of all on this extra day that He has given us, I pray that I always have a grateful heart as I live my life for Him.

  11. rrobulock says:

    LOL Pastor Steve you crack me up. Probably because I also sit in front of the mirror and have a conversation with myself, ex: I need to lose weight, oh no, is that another white hair, oh no and where did that wrinkle come from! But then you cracked me up even more when you said you were going to brush your teeth with your left hand! You gotta let me know how that went!

    I am also a creature of habit, MUST have my coffee in the morning. Routine helps me stay on track of things and not to forget. But every once in a while, I will have a whole week to do something different for our family, because my routine is the same routine everyone else follows too.

    I choose this extra day to tell my husband that he means even more to me than ever before, hug my kids more, talk with them more, ask the older one if he has any questions about life, boy, you'd be surprised when you give them that opportunity the things they say and ask. And alittle something for me, pray longer, for everything and everyone in my life and I thanked God for always been there for me and my family and how much I love him. We are truly blessed and grateful.

    Thank you, Pastor Steve, if it weren't for your blog, I would not have thought to give so much thanks for this extra day; and what a special day it was! Okay, today I am back to my routine....

  12. Every blog is great but this one is especially good. It's been a tough week but God manages to give us a do-over every day! Thank goodness you can never use them up! Really loved this.

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