
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

It's a Generation Thang...

Today's blog is written by my son, Christopher Alessi who accompanied Metro Life Church's Infuz Youth Ministry to Camp Decision. 
It’s Monday morning at 5:45 A.M. I’m driving with my sisters and Michael Martinez in the car and the only light outside is coming from the oncoming headlights of other cars. “Did I really ask 120 youth, possibly 120 families, to be at church at 6 A.M.? What if some parents didn’t get the memo? What if half of our people are late? We’ll be late to camp! Oh man that would be the absolute worst way to get this week started.”

These were the thoughts flooding my head as I pulled onto 17th street, with the church around the corner. As soon as my headlights hit the MLC Jamz side of Metro, all fear and doubt seemed to simply disappear. I saw 120 kids eager to get this week started. I saw 120 kids ready for an encounter, not just a bus ride.
As we pulled into camp you could sense the expectation rising in each bus: kids eager to experience something different, something real. By that Wednesday night, I could feel that God was doing something different with our kids this year. God continually reminded me that He is a God of the right now, a God who doesn’t need preparation. He is a God who was going to do something within this generation RIGHT NOW, not waiting until they are older.

Thursday night was here, the night where people expected miracles. As worship began, you could sense the true worshippers finding their identity as such. I could sense an understanding rising within this generation, an understanding of who God is and what He’s done. And because of that, who they are and what they can do.

And then it hit. The Spirit of God fell in that room of 1200 young people as if a blanket had been laid over the congregation. Suddenly, every young person in our group begins to make their way out of their seat, finding someone to pray for. As I walked by, I could hear God giving each young person the words to speak LIFE over every situation and individual.

The moving of the presence of God was so tangible that night as I sat and watched this generation on the move, on the prowl. As I began to pray over a few students myself, doubt started to creep its way into my Spirit. “Lord, you are having me pray some pretty hefty things over these kids. Is it realistic to think that what we are praying for will come to fruition in this youth group?”

And then it happened.

One of the older kids within Infuz came over to me, laughing and smiling in a way that almost seemed disrespectful to the moment of ministry going on before us. But he put his arm around me and said, “I finally get it Chris. I finally get that God wants to speak to me directly, and God wants to use ME!”

A lot more was said that night, but the realization of this young person really sums up this year’s Camp Decision experience for the young people of Metro Life Church.

This generation gets it. This generation finally understands that God wants to use them RIGHT NOW. Not only when they are older, but right now. They have found an answer that most college students are searching for. They understand God wants to use them, right where they’re at. They understand that every day, when their feet hit the floor, the enemy is trembling at what they can accomplish that very day.

This realization is not something only young people need to find. God wants to use YOU, right where you’re at. He wants to do something with you right now.

So take heart. Know a generation is rising up to take back all that the enemy has taken. They are a generation growing up with the “Take It Back” mentality.  This generation will be a force to be reckoned with.

6 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    I'm reading this blog and tears are falling down my face.My son and I are truly bless to be part of this church. Chris has changed my son's life in a way that I can never repay. I am so grateful to Metro Life Church for loving us...

  2. Chris, you words move me to tears because my son was there. After waiting all these years for his opportunity to go to Camp Decision. It wasn't easy financially or emotionally. He had never been away from home. But he pressed through his own comfort and so did I. My son came home with the conviction that he must be the hero. He came home telling me he stood the whole time during miracle night because he was worshiping too much. He calls me, "Oh, Mom, I got baptized w/the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues." What I am supposed to do with all that information but be humbled and overjoyed at God's faithfulness to me as a mom and to my son. I rejoiced when the Lord spoke over you at Legacy night, Chris, because I took that word for you and for every young person following you, listening to you, influenced by you. Chris - you are not alone in the endeavor, you have hundreds of mom's and dad's covering you and praying for you as if you were their own. I should know, I'm one of them. You are never alone! Lead on, lead strong, lead confident and humbled by the grace of God in your life. We love you Chris!

  3. Unknown says:

    I didn't see anywhere the clause about one needing tissues to read this blog! You are your father's son and the Great Legacy is proven in these words you wrote! All I can remember on my knees praying for all of you at exactly the time you all started on your last Night at Camp Decision. Fervently asking God to do what He does Best ....and that he did! We SERVE AN AWESOME GOD! What a mind boggling experience (I remember those as a teenager). Thank you for allowing Him to use you in such an amazing way! For touching not only the lives of our kids but parents as well. I have one earnest prayer and I ask that you partner with me and that is that I will allow me to see my son one day soon walk as confident in Christ as you (can u feel the pressure lol)! "A leader is a dealer in hope." ~Napoleon Bonaparte

  4. "They have found an answer that most college students are searching for" - LOVE IT !!!

    To think (and know) that my kids (our youth) carry inside of them the very Answer for this world is literally AWESOME. Confidence is inevitable!

    I'm proud of you Chris and I'm happy for all the youth that were able to experience that great week with you and your team. I'm looking forward to seeing all that God has promised happen right before my eyes.

  5. A wonderfully written blog which allowed me to capture the essence of the presence of the Holy Spirit on that night. Thanks so much for sharing and for all you do for this next generation of believers....

  6. Chris, this was so perfectly and beautifully said. Thank you for your faithfulness to this young generation of believers. Prayer warriors are getting younger and younger everyday, God is listening and responding. Daniel said that he saw an angel on miracle night and felt that blanket of the Holy Spirit that you speak of. I am always praying for God to continue to anoint and spiritually mature this young generation of future leaders.

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