
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

Making Every Drop Count

Today's blog was written by Yoshika Green, former public school educator for 13 years, literacy consultant for Scholastic, and currently serving as Children's Ministry Director at MLC.

I once conducted an experiment with my students to see which plant would grow the best, depending on its water source. So we watered one plant with distilled water, and the other was watered with distilled and tap water. The plant that grew the strongest was the one that was watered with both types of water. We concluded that sometimes one type of water, even if it’s a “better” water source is not enough to produce the maximum results. We also discovered that relying on everyone in the class to water the plants was better than just a few because every drop counted for this plant’s growth.

The educational buzz that is sweeping the nation is all about the Common Core Standards. These are the new learning goals that the United States will align all that is taught to. Teachers, principals, kids and parents are concerned about all the changes to national assessments and learning in general. One major standard was left out in the rewrite of the Common Core Initiative, God and Christian studies. We at Metro Life Church see the gaping hole in our education system’s focus and that’s why we will be focusing more on Early Christian Childhood Education (ECCE).

It’s not enough to leave the education of our children to just teachers, the community, or educational programming. It’s too great of a responsibility to not all be a part of. So we will be innovatively learning about God’s Common Core Standards that His word provides. We’ll simply take what’s being learned in school, while using cutting-edge teaching trends and combine it with biblical truths.

The education experts are saying that our kids need more science, technology, engineering, and math education. Research says that we need more exploration of the arts because it aides all other forms of learning and creativity. We hold the drops of water that will cause our children to really flourish, we have the Biblical understanding, the God-given creativity and giftings from heaven that pour out the knowledge of the Lord in the greatest way. Then all other initiatives float upstream in the waters of all our God-focused drops. We have the answer, the living water, Jesus that will quench the thirst like nothing the world could offer. Then with Jesus at the helm we can teach our children in church and in our homes about their Creator, who is the ultimate scientist, inventor, mathematician (whose multiplication system cannot be duplicated). We can point them to God, the matchless artist of all time who paints a new sky for us every morning. These are the most important pieces that are missing from many of our children’s lessons.

Here at Metro Life Church, we are bringing it back to the drops of water that are missing from our education system. As our kids go back to school this fall, we are remembering the forgotten element in our public school system, the Christian education focus where the bible is the basis for all learning.  Early Christian Childhood Education (ECCE) will be our focus, ensuring that are children get an education here at church, that is rich in biblical knowledge and Godly principles from the earliest ages until they are older and ready to live out the purpose that God has destined for their lives. We are the drops of water that will collectively produce the flood of waters that will nourish growth now and for their lifetime.

As we send our children back to school, let’s remember to make every drop count of what we have to offer our children as we prepare them for all that they face in life.  We will start by praying over them this weekend during our worship services.  We will make every drop count so that our children know what’s right and what’s not, despite what they may see and hear.

You may want to be a part of our Jamz production or creative program, it may be in the form of mentoring a child, or teaching our children how to play an instrument, or build something amazing with their hands, maybe you will help a child plan for their future. There’s something you have to offer that we want to share with our kids. When you see me at church feel free to share what your ideas are as to how you too can make your drops count. After all, we are all the varied water sources that when poured into the lives of our children produce the maximum growth.

Who dropped something amazing into your life as a child, and what did that deposit grow into?

2 Responses so far.

  1. What an amazing post. It really saddens me when I read about the US students being mid-pack (or worse) of all students world wide and our top leaders are so busy with a "win at all cost" political system that we as a nation fall behind in building world class leadership. My grandmother Verdia Mae Mack has been the greatest teacher for me in life's lessons. She taught me how to listen to my heart for life's answers and if I was true to my heart, the rest would align itself. She never promised me a rose garden, but she showed me the way to victorious living.

  2. A very long time ago (when I was in first grade) a sweet music teacher told me that I would make a great cello player. So for the next 5 years I would walk to school with my cello on my back and even walked over a mile to her home for private lessons. Today, Norma Dopp is 99 years old and still lives in her beautiful home on Frances Street in Key West. Thank you Mrs. Dopp for nurturing my love for music and for your legacy to a generation of kids on that small island.

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