Well, actually I'm more exhilarated about my life than ever. When Steve and I started contemplating stepping out and starting Metro Life Church, we had no way of knowing that we would be walking into an incredible season of our lives. It was scary and exciting all at the same time. The "should we or shouldn't we’s" quickly faded when God's voice became clear – all roads pointed in the "we have to" direction.
Although it has had its challenges, there's never been one day that we ever wondered if we'd made the right decision. God's grace reminded us that He had called us to pastoring; we hadn't called ourselves. We knew this because even when money was tight or when struggles came, we never asked what we were doing wrong. God kept us focused on the call.
Over the years people have asked us, "How did you know pastoring was for you?" and we would say, "It's a call you can't silence. If you don't do it, you know you're being disobedient."
Yes, there's a "knowing" but I would be lying to you if I told you Steve and I "just knew" and so, off we went to start a church. Yes, our spirits knew, but we also had a great desire to be faithful where we were. The reality was that God had to push us out. Working with family in ministry is a special calling all in its own. Steve's mom and dad had mentored us, cared for us and provided jobs for us. It would have caused great pain to just pick up roots and leave, in order to do what then would have been perceived as "our own thing."
I never understood that term anyway – "my own thing". Steve and I have never been on our own in anything. God will always use other people to help you fulfill what He's called you to fulfill. In our case it was a prophet, Kathy Lechner. Backing up just a little in this story, Steve and I battled with "the call" for three years before we moved forward. And then, a prophet came to our church and spoke a word that would change the course of history for our lives. Wait … what??? Thank you Jesus … this is it … the prophetic release! I just knew she was going to speak over our lives, the good news of “go start a church!” But, she didn't do that. No, she prophesied these words: "Steve and Mary, you've been faithful to this work and God sees it, but it's not time to go. You need to stay a little longer."
Now, most prophets I know prophesy big houses, lands, territories, ministries to thousands of people, fame, fortune … “go out from here” kind of prophecies. But not Kathy Lechner. No, she prophesied a word that would put our obedience level to the test – “Stay, not go." We had to trust her, but more importantly we had to trust that this was a word from God.
She also prophesied that even though we were battling infertility, we would have more children, with ease this time. No more struggling. Her exact words were, "You've prayed to get started; now you'll pray to stop!" Boy was she right on the money with that one! She was also correct about staying. We stayed for two more years and were so grateful that we did. When we finally stepped out to start Metro Life Church it was perfect timing. All roads led to … go. Leaving any sooner would have been detrimental in our new beginning. I'm sure of that.
Maybe today you're in a place where you need God to confirm His word to you, and you wish you had a prophet that would walk into your life and prophecy over you. Well, the powerful truth is that the prophet Jeremiah has already spoken a prophetic word for you.
My favorite verse of scripture is Jeremiah 29:11 – "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. To give you a hope and a future."
There it is. There's the word for you. Wait on Him and don't be in a hurry. Rushing into a new season isn't always the answer. Wait on Him and trust His timing for everything.
Why don't you take a moment right now, and let me know how has this spoken to you so that Steve and I can be praying for you.
Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Wait and not go, surrender and not pick up and do my will--these are my challenges. I am in a season of "waiting", waiting for a new home, waiting for the end of adolescence (argh!); waiting for a health report that could change our lives; waiting for that promise I know is coming. I am praying those persistent circles around my Jericho's and taking steps I believe God wants me to.
Thanks Pastor Mary, for sharing a needed word...
Love this and love you my beautiful sister!
Pastor thank you for this message. I was about to do something GOD has continually shown me that its not the time for but I grow impatient. Just when I was about to my phone sounded and I had an email which was this message. If this is not divine intervention I don't know what is. Thank you and bless you Pastor Mary
Jeremiah 29:11 is the verse that defines my life. In every season, I can go back to this Word and know that I will find hope & faith in God through it!
This season especially has been one of uncertainty & doubt for me. I thought I'd know exactly what my next step would be after graduation. Kinda thought my life would "start" right after I got the diploma. lol However, it didn't happen exactly how I imaged it would. So I have learned to put my own plans aside & trust Gods Divine plan for my life.
The study we did with the young women "Jonah: A Life Interrupted", helped me realize that I'm the manager of my life, God is the owner. Therefore He makes the calls.
Verses like the one in Jeremiah remind me that God does have a plan, a bigger greater one. One that makes mine look so small. I'm convinced that in the waiting God is molding me for the "bigger greater" plan He has in store for me.
Great blog Pastor Mary! Really hit home!
Can I start by saying YOU LOOK BE U TEA FULL in the pic posted! As always your God like spirit permeates through each and every word allowing us to hear and feel what He's trying to relay! Thank you for that! Recently I received not 1 but 2 prophecies and in the midst of breaking into tears I also heard him say that I have to be obedient in many things to see it come into fruition (We can at times delay what's to come).
But, there are so many other things I'm waiting for the one on top of my list (you and pastor KNOW what that is), #2 waiting for my son to answer HIS calling #3 waiting for a financial breakthrough (I'm done struggling check to check)..many waits, lots of circles and the verse I CLING on to, my old time fav which reminds me what to do is Habakkuk 2:3!!!
So I'll WAIT cuz it's a coming and I know that I have you and Pastor Steve as well as others drawing these circles in prayer with me! Thank you for the endless support!
This blessed me so much, Pastor Mary!
The past week I have been struggling with if I made the right decision in my career.
I was offered and accepted a position under the direction of my worship/arts pastor in my church, Pastor Rachel Rodriguez.
As you said, my spirit was saying yes and I knew God had been preparing me for something like this for a while, even had prophetic words given to me when I didn't even know this position would be offered. But as soon as I made the choice, I began to question.
You encouraged me to remain faithful where I am and TRUST & BELIEVE He has the best in store for me, and that it was Him who made a way for me to step into ministry like this. Its just the beginning :)
Thank u very much!
many many blessings from Detroit, MI
God Bless You Pastor Mary.You have no idea how this word has ministered to me. My husband and I have four children. Three girls and a boy. God has called us to Pastor but I just told my sister in law prior to reading this blog that it is not time yet.......I was even singing this Morning our God is an Awesome God and prophetically Jeremiah 29:11 was implemented into the song! Wow.....Right now I cannot stop crying and thank You for your prayers...Pastor Steve & Yourself. God Bless You. In Yeshua, Amen.
WOW !! I had received 2 prophecies over my life for me to go into full time ministry at the age of 18. God was seriously dealing with me and I knew I had to go to Bible college to fulfill that call on my life. I had never been so sure of something in my whole life. God was really stirring something up in my spirit. However my parents wanted me to pursue "a real career." It was so frustrating. I knew I had to obey my parents but in this case God was saying obey me before anyone I have great plans for you. This was the hardest decision of my life , but I'm glad I listened to God :) I am so glad He provided ministry opportunities and people confirming through word of knowledge that where I am now in life is exactly where He wants me to be! I am in my second year of school now and my parents hearts have been softened ! God has given me such a deeper desire for people and especially for my City, Montreal ! people need Jesus and I'm so glad that I can be used of God as His instrument to accomplish His will on This earth. I know He will open doors for me just has He so amazingly has done for y'all
Awesome Pastor Mary :) We must never look back but we must remember Gods mighty hand at work in and through us from the beginning when He first called us to be His full time servants :)
Whatever it TAKES !!!
Thank you Pastor Mary, ”the should I or shouldn't I” is truly overwhelming, specifically when it feels that the finall step of faith relies all on me (this is where the what if jumps in) I am struggling with it. Your thought was a prophecy to me. God used you to remind me that it is not my own thing...(I have done my own thing, LOL, did not work, LOL). God's plan for my life as for my children falls in Jeremiah 29:11 and as for me and my house we will serve Him always. I am saying right now, “whenever You are ready God! I wait on your discernment and rely on your strength. God's Perfect Plan”
Thank you,
BTW: Fantastic picture, so YOU...
Love you dearly
I have to say...Who decides on the security word...thrid time is a charm...LOL...Or I just need my glasses...LOL
Thank you Pastor Mary for this great word. God is and will always be right on time when it comes to His promises. I trust Him with our lives and know that what He has designed for us is God made. Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. I am hanging on to His love for us that will guide us in every circumstance. I love you and Pastor very much! I am praying always for my church, thank you for stepping out, as many have come to know the Lord and restore their lives because of your obedience. I like what I read this morning in the "Circle Maker" That when God calls us, He automatically qualifies us.
Thank you Pastor Mary for sharing this with us as I needed to read this!! And by the way, you look great in your picture!! May God continue to bless you always!!
Wow Pastor Mary! Stop reading my mail! Lol! Seriously, this is a God appointment. I consider myself to be the worlds most impatient person always wanting to be 80 steps ahead of myself. This is extremely evident in this season... especially today. Thank you very much for this! I want to make the best of every moment I have.
hilippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always! I will say it again, Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petitions, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (This scripture sits in front of me in my office at the Arena).
Pastor Mary....I thank you kindly. Yes, I'm literally here at WORK, trying to stay focused on our upcoming and hopefully magnificent Miami HEAT season, 10 meetings in one day and a host of training & development classes I facilitate in the evenings and of course my email on my phone delivers the very message FROM YOU which I needed to hear TODAY. It's been unbelievably busy (no rest for the weary) for me (not to mention The King's Men Gospel concert) this Sunday and I'm so grateful that God is constant in my heart, mind, body and soul. I've not had a chance to be present in church at Metro but I'm richly blessed by receiving messages from you and MLCcc 24 hours a day. I've been praying for God to move faster with some things in my life and you just reminded me that HE already did. Thank you, thank you, thank you Pastor Mary! Love ya much! Stacey C. McCoy
September 26, 2012 1:41 PM
Here's the Gomez side to this story...
Had you left two years earlier Pastor Steve would not have been preaching when we visited Grace Church that weekend. We may not have met you and Pastor Steve; may never have been enthralled by God's Word as Pastor preached it, may never have been shocked by the music that was 'too loud' and 'irreverent' to God (by Catholic standards) but irresistibly engrossing. May never have found our spiritual leaders, trail-blazers, confidants and examples that have been (and continue to be) a huge reason for the success and stability of our family. May have never made it to 18 years of marriage and added three boys to the one boy we had when we met.
Yes... I know God is good and would have worked in our lives somehow... yada-yada... but you see I believe you and Pastor Steve are the SOMEHOW.
Not like you need any more confirmation as to if you did what God told you or not... you obviously did and we all know that.
I'm just glad you both did it right and waited on The Lord; the effect has been and will continue to be...PROFOUND!!
Yes! This word has spoken to my life, specially the part "a call you can't silence" ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your story. ������
I'll tell you how! I am actually reading this late, but right on time. I know I'm called in one direction, and even started seeing the garage doors open in the past few weeks, and then this other door (that I thought was the wrong one) comes popping up. Now if I take door #2 in this season, its going to stretch me spiritually, but it also slows my roll over to door #1, which is where my heart really is (I admit now, but have struggled with even that for about a year). Yes, please circle me in prayer! Thank you for letting me share, Pastor Mary.