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Pastor Steve and Mary at MLC's First Service |
Have you ever been guilty of confusing special days and events on the calendar? That's been a problem I've had my entire life when it comes to the month of September. The confusion stems from two very special days; my Dad's birthday, and my parents wedding anniversary. For some odd reason, my brain just couldn't get it right and I would always flip the two days around. Even though I would put it on my calendar, when the reminder would come up I would second guess if it was right. "Now which one did my mom say was their anniversary?" There were some years when I would call my Dad to wish him a Happy Birthday and he would kindly accept my wish, but then let me know I was a day early. That was until my Mom made it real simple to remember which day was which with these words I'll never forget. "Son," she once said, "just remember it like this. We were married, September 7th, and then your Dad became a man the day after our wedding on September 8th...when he turned 21." Oh yeah, that sure helped me remember, but it's also left me with an image I can't forget.
On the other hand is an event in September I'll never confuse, as it marks the anniversary of our very first Metro Life Church Service. This year, as we celebrate our 15th year Anniversary, I'm remembering our humble beginnings at the AmeriSuites Hotel in Doral. It was a Friday night launch and we had close to 80 friends and family join our small start up group of about 20 that night. Some of those in the start up group remain our closest friends and co-workers today, and now along with many new co-laborers who have joined us in the journey we're looking forward to celebrating all that's been accomplished and experienced in a couple of weeks at Worship Encounter 2012 (#WE2012).
I didn't realize it at the moment, but I think something significant happened to me 15 years ago after that first night's service in the hotel room. I too became a man. Though I was 37 years old at the time, I thought I had a good grip on what ministry was about. For the 13 years prior, I had served alongside my family in ministry at Grace Church of Kendall and had the opportunity to learn and develop wonderful ministry skills through mentorship and hands-on training, but something shifted in me and my wife Mary the night Metro Life was birthed. I can't say I immediately recognized what that shift was then, but I can say that I noticed a difference in the way the guys on our team made me feel that night and ever since.
Understand this about me...I enjoy seeing people happy and making them feel special and unique. You can ask Mary and my girls what's the one question I constantly ask them when we're out and about. "Are you happy?" I guess my Love Language is action...meaning if I do something for you, that's my way of saying I love you. When I moved Mary into our two-bedroom townhouse after we were married, I promised her I would get her a bigger house in 5 years. Thankfully, Hurricane Andrew came through almost 5 years to the date and I was able to show her how much I loved her. To me, to serve another is saying I love you.
And that's what I heard that first night when I drove into the AmeriSuites parking lot, as the guys on the team immediately met me and unloaded the sound and music equipment from our car. And from that moment on, I've never had to set up a chair, light or sound system, as the team that God has so blessed us with at Metro Life Church, has been showing their love week in and week out for the last 15 years, to not only Mary and I, but to our entire Metro family. I guess that's the reason so many continue to make Metro their church family as well. The place is full of love!!
Thank you, Metro Life, for a great 15 years!! I'm looking forward to a wonderful future of Impacting Everyday Life, Everywhere!!
If you've felt the love around Metro, why don't you share your experience and who it was that showed you their love.
Pastor, thank you so much for taking the leap of faith into uncharted waters 15 years ago. The ministry is no place for chickens or wimps, but for men and giants that are up for the task of life changers and challengers, all of which you are! Tommy and I are so glad to have found MLC when we did. We might not have been there that first day, but in the almost 10 years we've been here, we've been able to enjoy being part of the ground work of what we have today. We are so glad to be raising our kids at MLC with all the MLC families and we love to show off our church to every person that comes in. We pray that God continue using us to work hand in hand with you and Pastor Mary and the staff at MLC. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!
This made me teary eyed :) I feel the love every week I'm at MLC. I remember being embraced & encouraged by college leaders, which is the reason why I kept coming to MLC. Every week I see people serving with such love & passion. It makes me want to lead and serve with more passion & commitment.
Happy 15th MLC!!!! :D
I am thankful for my past 10years at MLC. My marriage and my family are so blessed!
Someone told me 15 years ago when my family decided to be part of starting MLC that we were crazy and didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. Well they were sort of right...we still are a little crazy (especially when it comes to serving God's people) BUT the truth be told we did NOT know what we were getting ourselves into - a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE that was to shape the future, legacy and destiny of our family. For that Pastor Steve and Mary, we are ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.
I have felt the love at MLC from everyone there since the first day I stepped into the church. That feeling and the way I felt was beautiful!! Almost 7 months going to MLC and I can honestly tell you that the love has grown stronger not only from everyone at Metro but from me as well towards the people at Metro. I feel so blessed to have found and to be around such loving and caring people!!! :-)
I couldn't help but smile as I read this and thinking of the many times you've asked me if I'm happy. Growing up at MLC has been the greatest gift God has given me. Thank you Pastor Steve and Mary for EVERYTHING you do. Happy Annversary Metro Life Church!
I started attending MLC 8 weeks ago and have seen a transformation in my life and cannot wait to see what God has in store for me and my sons. It was a moment in my life that I didn't know what to do anymore and all I did was cry every single day. I will talk to God and ask Him for direction but I felt that my prayers were not strong. One Sunday morning I sat down in front of the TV and tune to watch a show that airs at 10:00am in WSVN, what I didn't notice was the time; it was 9:30am. I first met the worship team, felt in love immediately and then met Pastor Steve and asked God is this where you want me to go. I felt in my heart that this was the church that he wanted me to attend. After the program I researched your site and after I learned all I needed to learn I was eager for Saturday or Sunday to arrive, I wanted the week to fly. I was so excited, with butterflies in my stomach just like the ones you feel when you are in love...I am so grateful that I found MLC. In such little time, my life has more color, I do cry but of joy, I have valuable new found friends and a new family. I immediately joined Life's Healing Choices group and it has helped me immensely. Since then I have seen so many blessings in my life that I am so overwhelmed and overjoyed. MLC team, keep up the amazing work and I hope that I one day I will touch people's lives just like you have touched mine. Happy Anniversary!
So thankful that our Pastors took the crazy step of faith. (I'm sure it was a call in their lives they knew they better not run from.) The result is a testament to the truth that we have in the promises of God.
Oh...to know His Word, hear His call and step into action... is there a greater love on this side of heaven? :)
Because of your knowledge and belief in the Living Word of God, this church is not only restoring lives, but stirring us up to also be a little more crazy when it comes to stepping out in faith.
And the glory of the Lord will shine for all men to see as we live and move and have our being in our God!