The Worst and The Best of Times
Pastor Steve
It was the summer of 1992 that I was introduced to the power of a storm, and the potential that lies inside the human spirit to come together in times of crisis. I still remember the shock we felt and the fear on the faces of the people as they witnessed the total and complete devastation Hurricane Andrew wreaked on their homes and personal possessions. The cloudy, windy, stormy skies of that Sunday gave way to an eerie calm and sunny sky on Monday, which only magnified our greatest fear with just one question flooding our thoughts – how are we going to rebuild our lives?
Though our government was doing its best to respond to the destruction caused by the storm, what most South Floridians recall is how neighbors reached out to help each other begin the rebuilding process. The instinct to survive gave way to a spirit of generosity and, what once was a cold and divided city, became a community of people whose spirit to work and fight through the insurmountable odds brought us all together through simple acts of kindness.
I can also remember the outpouring of help that came from people and organizations we had never known. Fortunately, our church at that time, Grace Church, only sustained damage to the roof and a few of its surrounding buildings, as the facility held its own through the damaging winds. Grace Church stood out as a lighthouse to the area and a beacon of hope and help. The generosity of the nation and ministries across America had semi-tractor trailers full of food, clothes, bedding, baby supplies, and batteries delivered to our front door, and every room in the church was filled to capacity. That in turn allowed us to care for those in our church family and the surrounding neighbors. We also became the drop-off and pick-up location for other churches which were providing much needed supplies to their members and communities.
Yes, Hurricane Andrew brought us the worst of times, but it also allowed us to experience the best of times, because we learned as a people that no matter how hard and difficult the storm is, together, we can get through it.
Our prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Right now, it seems as though this is the worst of times for the East Coast, but I've got a feeling that the generosity of America is about to show love and support for the region in a way that will help rebuild homes and businesses in order to restore lives. I know the churches in the region already are feeding, caring and providing support and aid, as they're postured to be a first responder in times like this, just like Grace Church did 20 years ago. And that's why we, at Metro Life Church, are already in contact with a few of our dear friends in ministry to see where we can help.
We can all help by praying and giving, and that's why this weekend at all of our MLC services we'll be having a time of prayer, and will be taking a special offering to help the victims of Sandy. Please join us in being a beacon of hope and help.
To donate, click on the photo above or CLICK HERE.
Better Than Fine Wine
Have you ever heard the saying, “Starve your doubts and feed your faith?” There's a method in that madness, and I think I figured it out.
Recently, I spent a few days with my wife in Napa Valley, California, celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful time just kicking back and enjoying the serenity of the vineyards and beautiful mountains surrounding the region and, to our fortune, we visited during harvest season when the vines are filled with beautiful clusters of grapes, creating a lot of buzz and activity around town.
On one of our stops, we visited the Beaulieu Vineyards, which is one of my favorite Napa wines, and our host Peter gave us the grand tour. Along the way, we were inspecting the vines from the vineyard and learned that the region was perfect for wine production due to the little rain fall in the area. That in turn causes the roots of the vine to dig deep into the hard, rocky soil of the earth, and fight through drought-like conditions in order to find a water source. Naturally, one would think that the lack of water would cause the vines to die, but that's not the case. The opposite occurs, in that the lack of water doesn't kill the vines, but instead strengthens them by causing the roots to fight harder and go deeper in order to find a water source.
Meanwhile, the vinedresser is happy to let the roots of the vine do all the fighting because he's hoping the fight in the roots translates back into the grapes. So in winemaking, one of the keys to producing an excellent wine begins in the root's ability to fight through seemingly unbearable circumstances. The greater the fight of the vine, the sweeter the grape … and the sweeter the grape, the better the wine.
That right there should make you look at the things you're going through a little differently. Instead of dreading the fight and trying to pray away the hard times, be thankful for them and try to find out what they're producing in you. It's not time to give up or give in – it's time to keep fighting and digging deeper so that you can stand strong, endure the hard times, and succeed. You are going to win, as long as you don't quit in the fight. Sure, your enemy is banking on you throwing in the towel because that's the only way he'll win. But not now, not tomorrow, not ever. There's no quitting. This fight is producing greatness in you!
So the next time someone asks you how you're doing, just simply answer, "I'm doing better than fine wine!"
I enjoy hearing from you so let me know how you've been able to starve your doubts and feed your faith.
Video Blog -- Pastor Appreciation Weekend is Here!
We’re celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month THIS WEEKEND at MLC! Check out today’s video blog, brought to you by MLC staff members, as we get ready to celebrate Pastor Steve and Pastor Mary all weekend long. To watch, click on the picture to your left.
Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. --
1 Timothy 5:17 (NKJV)
How will YOU show DOUBLE HONOR to our great leaders, Pastor Steve and Pastor Mary? Share your thoughts and words of appreciation by commenting on today’s blog.
Audio Blog -- A Special Anniversary Greeting from Pastor Steve and Pastor Mary!
MLC Family, today is a VERY special day – it’s Pastor Steve and Mary Alessi’s 25th Wedding Anniversary! Today’s audio blog features both of our amazing pastors as they take a moment out of their special day to welcome us into their hearts with a special anniversary greeting. Warning – you WILL be overwhelmed with love and appreciation!
To listen, click on the picture to your left.
Don’t you feel incredibly blessed to have Pastor Steve and Mary at Metro Life Church?
Take this awesome opportunity to share your anniversary wishes for Pastor Steve and Mary by posting your comments!
Audio Blog -- Pastor Steve Speaks a Word on FEAR
FEAR – it’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of greatness. In today’s audio blog, Pastor Steve Alessi encourages YOU to step into your destiny. Put your trust in the Lord, and conquer your greatest fear – FACE it … and FIGHT it!
To listen, click on the photo (left).
Has this audio blog sparked a desire to face and fight one of YOUR biggest fears? Share your story HERE so we can pray for you!
Follow Pastors Steve and Mary
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