
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

The Worst and The Best of Times

It was the summer of 1992 that I was introduced to the power of a storm, and the potential that lies inside the human spirit to come together in times of crisis. I still remember the shock we felt and the fear on the faces of the people as they witnessed the total and complete devastation Hurricane Andrew wreaked on their homes and personal possessions. The cloudy, windy, stormy skies of that Sunday gave way to an eerie calm and sunny sky on Monday, which only magnified our greatest fear with just one question flooding our thoughts – how are we going to rebuild our lives?

Though our government was doing its best to respond to the destruction caused by the storm, what most South Floridians recall is how neighbors reached out to help each other begin the rebuilding process. The instinct to survive gave way to a spirit of generosity and, what once was a cold and divided city, became a community of people whose spirit to work and fight through the insurmountable odds brought us all together through simple acts of kindness. 

I can also remember the outpouring of help that came from people and organizations we had never known. Fortunately, our church at that time, Grace Church, only sustained damage to the roof and a few of its surrounding buildings, as the facility held its own through the damaging winds. Grace Church stood out as a lighthouse to the area and a beacon of hope and help. The generosity of the nation and ministries across America had semi-tractor trailers full of food, clothes, bedding, baby supplies, and batteries delivered to our front door, and every room in the church was filled to capacity. That in turn allowed us to care for those in our church family and the surrounding neighbors. We also became the drop-off and pick-up location for other churches which were providing much needed supplies to their members and communities. 

Yes, Hurricane Andrew brought us the worst of times, but it also allowed us to experience the best of times, because we learned as a people that no matter how hard and difficult the storm is, together, we can get through it.

Our prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Right now, it seems as though this is the worst of times for the East Coast, but I've got a feeling that the generosity of America is about to show love and support for the region in a way that will help rebuild homes and businesses in order to restore lives. I know the churches in the region already are feeding, caring and providing support and aid, as they're postured to be a first responder in times like this, just like Grace Church did 20 years ago. And that's why we, at Metro Life Church, are already in contact with a few of our dear friends in ministry to see where we can help. 

We can all help by praying and giving, and that's why this weekend at all of our MLC services we'll be having a time of prayer, and will be taking a special offering to help the victims of Sandy. Please join us in being a beacon of hope and help.

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Growing up in Jersey going to Seaside Heights or the Cape May were a must. My entire family made many wonderful memories there. So sad its gone. Pray they rebuild and I can someday take the baby. We still have family there and thank God everyone is well. Cold since there's no electricity but safe. My prayers go out to all the victims.

  2. Unknown says:

    Little late in reading, but never want to miss out what you have for us Pastor! It's unfortunate that at times it takes tragedy to find camaraderie as well as compassion for one another! Even in the every day life of things when tragedy or strife hits us it seems that that's when people call on God and it's evident we all embrace HOPE! Hope for a new day Hope for a new beginning Hope for the Sun to come out and Hope for people to change for the better! Praise God my family up north weren't affected, but they were reminded that we know not when our time will come and We must take this time to be kind, be servants and embrace our brothers! That being said I too am praying for all the victims as well as see how I can contribute to the cause!

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