In the spirit of generosity, I've asked our dear friend Paola Roman to share her perspective on the benefits of serving others. As VP of Housing Development for the non-profit affordable housing developer, Carrfour Supportive Housing, she brings to her position a compassion that drives her to serve even beyond her hours on the job. Here is her inspiring outlook on serving:
Once a month for the last year, I have been volunteering with Metro Life’s Project Love Ministry. I’ve served at the Miami Rescue Mission, His House Children’s Home, and even an international mission trip. On my last service day, I asked others why they do it. A few students were very honest to say it was a class requirement and they’d rather be in bed. Others didn’t really know why they serve. I wondered, is service a trained response? Is it a natural human desire that requires awakening?
Service is more profound than what I can understand, perhaps because the heart of a servant is so complex and forever changing. I think it starts with the heart. For me it was a series of shocking realizations of injustices. Among the first was the stench of a human being laying on a cardboard box on a busy downtown street. They were always there, but one day I chose to see beyond my needs and was awakened to the pain around me. My confusion turned into anger, and with increased awareness of the hurt in this world, I eventually broke down into tears. I knew I could not stand by so I began to volunteer. To this day, my empathy does not allow me to live without taking action.
I believe this compassion for the suffering of others is the fundamental love that drives consistent service. While we may or may not fully understand the root of this love, the earnest desire to care for others grows as does our acceptance of His love. Serving can become overwhelming when you pour out love without refilling. But, God quickly showed me that we were never meant to carry the heavy burdens of this world. God taught me that His love is not only enough for me, but it is sufficient for others. His love truly is living water from a well that will never run dry. There is enough for my hurts and for that of my brethren. I can always go back and draw more of His great love to share with others for their time of trouble. I cannot describe the joy and satisfaction of seeing the power of love through service.
There is satisfaction in sharing this love with others, but my reward is found in Matthew 25:40 where Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these my brethren, you did it for Me.” Knowing that serving others in love is serving the God who first loved me is an immeasurable reward. To love another purely to the point of service is to sow a seed of love that reaps more love and great joy; it’s eternal.
So I urge you today to make a decision to serve, even train yourself if you have to. It may start off as work, but with time you’ll become addicted to the difference you will make as you love another with your service to them. Then, find a cause that you are passionate about. There is more need in our world than we know. Realize that when you serve with passion, it’s not work. And then align yourself with others who share the same love and interest. You would be surprised to learn you are not the only one concerned about this particular cause. And lastly, don’t wait for a “thank you” or an immediate impact. Just do it as an offering to God and know that your reward is an eternal treasure as consistent joyful service requires endless love.
A timely word! not only for the holiday season! but for everyday life.You can feel like what you are doing is having a impact! but once you weigh it at the eternal you realize that you are making a difference in someone's life.Also giving your time to those who are already doing something that you desire too do instead of trying to do it on your own is so wise!