
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.


Its confession time – I'm quirky about certain things in life. Don't judge or laugh; so are you! We all have them, and some of them are downright funny. 

The other night at dinner I learned one of my daughters is a bit quirky about her soup bowl. When she's eating soup, she doesn't want you to put your spoon in her bowl to share because it messes up the neat, clean sides of the bowl. I work with a quirky guy who every time we sit down for lunch it's like watching a three ring circus going on with his plate. He's such a girl.

A quirk is a peculiarity of behavior, and the one that gets me has to do with the question I must answer every night. Talk about a girl … here it is: To wash or not to wash? I can hear all my bald buddies asking, "Wash what?” I'm talking about my hair. Do I wash my hair tonight? I mean, sometimes I get in the shower wondering, “Is tonight an on-night (wash hair night) or an off-night (don't wash hair night)?” Right? I told you it's quirky. Wow, that is weird. So why is it such an issue? 

Are you ready for super weird? It comes down to my pillow. If I don't wash my hair before going to bed, then I'm going to transfer all the day’s stuff that got stuck up in my hair onto my fresh clean pillow as I sleep, and then when I roll over on my pillow, all that stuff will transfer itself to my face. And I don't want to get my face dirty, grimy or oily when I'm sleeping. You see, it's really not that quirky at all. It's common sense.

Here's the reason I bring up all this today. In life, our success is determined by a lot of factors, but one such factor that is essential is a good attitude. You can be high strung, quirky and weird, talented and very smart, but without a good attitude you'll never really enjoy the success that life wants to reward you. It's like the old leadership adage that says, "Your attitude will determine your altitude in life."

And since our attitude is an inside job, the work to keep our attitude fresh and positive takes place when we're alone and no one is watching. That's why it's so important to spend the time cleaning up our attitude through readying, meditating, and learning on a daily basis. So whether it's in the morning before you head out to work, or in the evening before you hit the sack, take a few minutes and bathe your mind to get your attitude adjusted. The last thing you want to happen is for the negative stuff that's going on in your head to dirty up your fresh, clean-looking face in life.

Do you have some quirks? Are you bold enough to share them? We all need a good laugh, so take a minute and tell on yourself.

5 Responses so far.

  1. ana gomez says:

    I love to tell on myself!!! So, yeah, I’m quirky :) Some call it OCD but I prefer to call it my quirky side :)

    Here's one quirk of many: All the labels in my cupboard have to face forward. Reason? I like to read my labels when I open those doors! Well, one day, my oldest son thought it would be fun to take the time and turn EVERY SINGLE item in MY cupboards around! What a waste of time; so I thought. When I opened the cupboard, low and behold, nothing was facing me. I gasped. I moaned. Then I thought who in this house would get a kick from doing such a thing...? Aha! I immediately blamed it on a family friend (Jon Roman) and Lex fessed up desiring all the credit :) LOL

  2. Quirks are too many to list... I may have to take the time one day. Of course, I am the "girl" that needs to have everything laid out before me in a certain way before I eat... plus sauces. Then there's the microwave/fueling/alarm clock quirk, where I never end any of those in the number 5 or 0... guess why? cuz everyone else does!!!

    Great Attitudes take work!! They're easy to spoil and hard to keep... it's a daily grind for me; worse when I'm tired. The Bible helps... if I miss reading it, my attitude suffers.

    Thanks for the shout out!!

  3. Unknown says:

    LOVE IT! So here it is ready:

    1) Like Ana Gomez all things must face forward cans, juices, boxes, etc.
    2) towels must be folded in a very specific way as well as shirts
    3) my eggs and bacon MUST not touch my pancakes. I usually ask for 3 different plates.
    and if that's not enough I have to and I mean HAVE to have a certain broom to be able to get the corners when cleaning as well as the baseboards!

    But and the end I always try to have a GREAT ATTITUDE even when someone doesn't place my stuff exactly how it supposed to be :)

  4. Jescel says:

    I iron EVERYTHING... yes, including table linens, bath towels, kitchen towels & underwears. Only thing I don't are socks (and of course those delicate things that NEED to be brought to the dry cleaners). I just think that clothes fold and feel better when ironed.

    Hubby always tells me that I don't have to, but I just can't. Must be the Asian in me.. LOL

  5. Unknown says:

    Quirks..yes! I have many indeed. I am extremely hard on handwriting. Some call it OCD but I prefer quirks as well. If I start writing (especially with a pen) and mess up I will throw away all of the words I've written and start from the beginning. Its can be a good thing and a bad thing. I've gotten better at controlling it, but I can't help myself! lol

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