So my wife Mary has gone out and done it again. Every so often, she'll get something in her head that we need around the house which requires a trip to the store and home she comes with a new gadget that promises to enhance our lives. She's so good at this, that sometimes she doesn't even need to leave the house, but instead makes a call or orders the product online that she just saw on TV. Well the other day she brought home a doozy.
You have to understand something about Mary. Right up there with her love for music is her obsession with smells and aromas, and it was this love for aromas that inspired her to bring home this new gadget. I'm not sure what commercial she saw for this one or what advertisement in the store grabbed her attention, all I know is I'm ready to yank the new thing off of the wall, open the patio door and throw it in the pool, because while the new Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detector is making our house smell fresher, it's also scary and insulting.
Here's the description of this machine. "Keep your home smelling fresh and welcoming all the time with AIR WICK® FRESHMATIC® Odor Detect™, the first automatic spray device with odor sensor technology. This breakthrough technology automatically detects and overcomes thousands of unpleasant odors, without you having to think about it." Sounds like the silver bullet of odor control right? Well maybe.
The trouble with this thing started the next morning when my daughter Stephanie and I were up early sitting at the kitchen counter doing some work. There we sat, quietly in deep thought and concentration, when suddenly the odor detector must have detected something it didn't like and went off. You would have thought a bomb exploded as Steph and I were startled out of our chairs. And after we finally settled down, a few minutes later it did it again and scared the hooey out of us. And if that wasn't bad enough, as Mary's explaining to the girls how the new machine detects odors and automatically sends out a burst of air freshener, I walk in the room and stood next to the thing to simply ask Mary a question about another matter, and poof, the stupid thing goes off again, because evidently it didn't like the way I smelled! So now we're all held captive in our clean smelling house by this new Air Witch, because Mary didn't just buy one of these little units...she had to buy two. And evidently, these little machines must be able to read too, because after I typed that last sentence about it being the Air Witch, it just sent out another scented burst of odoriferous spring flowers.
Truth is maybe we all should do life like this little gadget. Yes, it's not easy in the real world and sometimes things happen that simply stink. But instead of automatically allowing the negative to influence you, why not try to be that sudden burst of freshness and make your surroundings a more positive, uplifting environment. You have the ability to change the atmosphere with just one word, so make it a good affirming word and watch how good others will feel.
Here's a question: How do you make the world a better place without being a nuisance?
Hahahahahaha.... and I do my best to be ready with a smile and a kind word. Sometimes just the process of getting through the day can be hard for someone. I pray to have life-giving, uplifting words for those around me. Thanks for the reminder that I can change an atmosphere!
oh my goodness, I was in a meeting in Chicago and began to laugh out loud as I read this. I love the truth of this... be the "odor-detector" in your life :) I will gladly spray "freshness" into the world in response to unpleasantness.
I do this pretty simply, smile! I smile in airports and restaurants, cafes and sidewalks, and it see how it changes "the air". I love this idea... might even make a t-shirt about it (Detects Fear, Releases Love) thanks again Pastor Steve!
Okay, I am usually the humor part in our relationship but I about peed myself reading this. Not only was it hilarious, it made an amazing point. Thank you so much for reminding us all that we can always be a breath of fresh air in a dark and stinky world. Absoultely brilliant analogy!
I'm afraid to ever go in your house again! I don't want that thing to go off when I enter, it would be too embarrassing!!
You know your wife bought this, because she IS that burst of freshness and positivity, thats why she likes the idea so much.
Seeing the glass half-full really does annoy people sometimes, but I do it anyways because just like that scent machine, what lingers is sweet, not sour.
Thank you both for encouraging me by your examples.
Great analogy Pastor! It's not too difficult to be a breath of fresh air in the world we live in today. Maintaining a positive, optimistic attitude because of the faith I have in my God is a shock to a lot of people just as the Air Wick was for you guys. Thanks for reminding us that we can control the environment of our lives by allowing God's spirit to work in us and through us.
Hilarious!!!!! But certainly true. I find myself, whenever I don't agree with something, wanting to fight against it, but sometimes I approach it wrong which only makes the matter worse. My problem is, I'm a meditator..... I let negative thoughts linger and sit instead of nipping it in the bud. Those negative thoughts then take root and consume my day.... lame! But then God lets me see it for what it is and then BAM he helps me "Air-Wick it!" :-)
My face hurts! Who needs comedy central! We have Pastor's Blogs! I'm guilty as Pastor Mary to want that awesome fresh scent invading my home! So, thanks for the heads up on the AIR WITCH (cross that off the grocery list). So: How do you make the world a better place without being a nuisance? I smile and am quirky, always trying to make someone laugh (who doesn't like to laugh). At work prance around in the hallways and sing "the hills are alive with the sound of music" (in SOPRANO voice)! I try to be hospitable and giving without expecting anything in return and all with a BIG OLE COLGATE SMILE! Surprising how something so minuet can make a wonderful world (Louis Armstrong singing in the background)!
LOL....very funny! I myself am addicted to clean smell. I have candles all over the house. Sometimes, eventhough I mopped early in the day, I'll mop again just to get that wiff of Spic and Span...ahhhhhh! I feel that the home feels complete and confy when it smells like Spic and Span.
Ok, now to answer Pastor Steve's question. I simply smile, BE POSITIVE and make a joke about everything. Why wouldn't I be positive, Jesus has blessed our family and our home. My son always tells me he loves hanging out with me because I am so happy and goofy. My husband thanks me for not being a nagging wife and always staying positive when something goes wrong. When he gets home and is in a bad mood, I quickly turn that frown upside down. So I am making a difference everyday in people's life by just smiling and being goofy, sounds cooky, but it works. And believe me, happiness is contagious!
Oh my goodness!! this is hilarious Pastor. I make the world a better place, I hope by simply speaking positive words and not immediately go towards the negatives. I try to see the best in everything and everyone. Sometimes is harder than other times, but I try to find at least one good and positive thing. Thank you for reminding me that I CAN change and atmosphere even when those around me will still find something negative about a positive I have spoken. I am a breath of FRESH AIR :) in the midst of stinky situations/people.
When I think you can't get any funnier you come out with yet again the funniest blog! I can't stand those things especially that God forbid you breathe without that thing going off so much you're practically eating it! But I love the whole point of the story. I pray every day that God uses me to bless others, that His grace and love fills me up so much that it shines right through me for others to see. Because really in the end it's all for His glory, not mine. We get blessings to give blessings! Isn't that what it's all about?! =)
Good Blog... thanks
Hahahaha!!! This is hilarious!
Well, the way that I make the world a better place is by being available for anyone who needs someone to listen....There are so many people around us that just need someone who really cares. Love you Pastor Steve! And I love the way you took a humorous story and drew deep meaning from it. God bless you! Yoli