
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

The Flattery in Imitation

I have lived in the same home for almost my entire life. When I was about 6-8 months old, Hurricane Andrew hit Miami, and out of that we were able to move into the house that we still live in to this day.

Our house has had a lot of work done over the years, from remodeling to different colors of paint. One year, I don’t exactly remember when, but we decided to add on to the house. My sister Gaby had been born, and now we needed more space. So my parents decided to add another two bedrooms to our house. We busted out one of the big windows that we had at the time, and put a big white sheet over it leading to the outside. One day, my sisters and I went out to play and saw two sky scraping mountains of dirt in our backyard. This pile probably wasn’t as big as I remember, but I was only 8 so cut me some slack.

While my sisters were there, we would run up the dirt and imagine ourselves climbing Mt. Everest or sliding down an avalanche. I distinctly remember imagining myself as a pirate, Captain Hook to be precise and chasing after my sisters up and down this pile of dirt. We imitated every possible character we knew from Ace Venture to Mr. Incredible. But when my sisters finally went inside and no one else was around, I had a specific character that I would always imitate.

More than Dan Marino, Spiderman, or Captain Hook, I would love to imitate my dad. I would walk around the pile of dirt as if I was walking along the stage at Metro Life Worship Center, as it was called at the time. I would make a few opening comments, very similar to my dad’s opening comments every single week. I would start off by saying, “Welcome to Metro Life Worship Center. If you don’t know me, I’m Steve Alessi, the Pastor here at Metro along with my wife Mary.” I would quote the very illustration my dad had used that Sunday, and sometimes my little 8 year old spirit would do it’s best to come up with it’s own revelation.

So at the end of the day, I wanted to be Pastor Steve Alessi. Every chance I got, I would imitate my dad as much as I could. And little did I know that 12 years later I would be doing the very same thing, not just in my imagination but in reality.

Charles Caleb Cotton said, “Imitation is the finest form of flattery.” And on Father’s Day, I can find no better way to honor my father then to continue imitating him in every area of my life. I am who I am today because of my dad and I owe him the world. Even when I was just an 8 year old kid, I knew my dad was the exact kind of man that I wanted to be. And now as a 20 year old, I can still say with the utmost certainty; I want to be Pastor Steve Alessi.

I can testify that Pastor Steve Alessi is the same man in and out of the pulpit. Today I honor my father, my Pastor and my best friend, not just by writing a blog, but by imitating him. And today I continue to honor him by carrying on his legacy. Happy Father’s Day from one very lucky son.

6 Responses so far.

  1. Great words young man, you certainly picked a good man to imitate...as he has followed Christ you have follwed him!

  2. Great blog Chris. Having known your Dad since before you were born, I can tell you that he dreamed of this day for a long time. Not only are you and your sisters, an answer to his prayers, but you you are also a continual testimony to his faith in God and God's faith in him.

  3. Unknown says:

    Your dad makes me laugh and you made me cry! As a parent myself I can only say that it's a blessing to know that your children look up to you and think of you as a great pillar in their lives! and then to see your hard work in trying to make this small person become a great man of God or woman seeing that into fruition is just even more thrilling! Great Blog and couldn't say it even better WE all strive to be that GUY! The one your dad is and I too strive to imitate him as to me he's my SPIRITUAL father and mentor! We are blessed as his children! High 5!

  4. Yoli says:

    This is absolutely beaUteeful Chris....
    Wonderful way to honor your daddy.
    Not only are you blessed, but so is he.

  5. Jescel says:

    You made me cry, Chris. Such beautiful words. Not a lot of people have the same relationship as you do with your Dad. You are one BLESSED son, indeed....

  6. That is a good way to honor your father pastor Steve; and now you are settling an example of a father for all the familes at Metro; not only in the natural but in the spiritual. Let me see if I understood; since you were 8 years old you knew the name of your church and the name of your wife? That is very prophetic.

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