
Steve AlessiSteve Alessi: Author of Alessi’s Angle, Pastor of Metro Life Church in Miami, Husband of World Renown Worship Leader Mary Alessi and Father of Four.
His experience can be your insight… enjoy Alessi’s Angle.

Cone of Uncertainty

If you live in South Florida or the Gulf Coast, right about now is when you begin to experience an eerie, uncomfortable, dreaded feeling in the pit of your stomach that comes every time a Tropical Storm in the lower Caribbean gets named. This year it's starting with Isaac and that feeling came upon all four of us in the staff meeting about 4:00 PM on Tuesday, when one of the team members flipped his iPad around and the familiar "cone of uncertainty", colored coded showing wind speeds and potential direction, had the new storm directed right towards Miami. Even though we have a few days to see if Isaac makes it our way, the thoughts of worry immediately began circulating and got us off point for a few minutes as the fear of another storm stated to impact each of us.

And that's what storms do. Because we have experienced major storms in our past, immediately we go into fear mode when we're about to face another. And I'm not just talking about hurricanes like Andrew, Katrina, and Wilma, but other named storms like sickness, bankruptcy, divorce, depression, rebellious children and so on. The ones that have plagued our lives yesterday, and the thought of another one hitting our life again causes us to assume the worst is about to happen.

Most times it's the fear, anxiety and stress of the storm that is worse than the storm itself. Yes, the storm is painful, but the "what if's" are paralyzing. Even this morning as I woke up I wanted to check the weather update to hear what forecasters are saying about Isaac and see if by some chance the storm has changed its course or lost its momentum since last checking at 11 PM last night. The constant of the storm looming out there has already caused me some measure of concern and can easily consume my life over the next few days.

There is a story about John who lived across the river from his backwoods neighbor,
Clarence, and the two feuded constantly. They never missed a chance to throw rocks and yell insults over the water. One day the Army Corps of Engineers came to build a bridge. John was elated and told his wife he was finally going to get his hands on Clarence. When the bridge was finished, John headed off, but he returned a few minutes later. "I never realized how big that guy is," John said sheepishly to his wife. "I headed for the bridge, and then I saw the sign: 'Clarence - 8 feet, 4 inches.'"

Is a storm out there causing you fear? If so, then understand how you prepare for the storm will determine how you make it through the storm, so let me encourage you today with the following. First know that storms happen in life. There's nothing we can do about that, so be expecting the unexpected storm. Then prepare for the storm ahead of time by staying connected with God all the time. He promises to never leave you alone, even while you go through the storms of life. You'll be surprised how faith helps dispel fear. Also, keep healthy, happy people in your friendship circle. Who you hang with rubs off on you, so find other strong people that can support and challenge you to be stronger so you can outlast the storm. And lastly, just settle in for the long haul. As the old saying goes, this too shall pass. Every storm you face has an expiration date on it, so find yourself a comfortable place and hang on, because the storm you're facing will pass and you're going to make it!

Since we all know what it is to go through storms in life, can you share any nuggets that have helped you through your own storms?

8 Responses so far.

  1. Noelle says:

    Great post today Pastor! Love it! I have been through some pretty bad storms in my life and fear has certainly gotten the best of me on occasion. Like you said, fear is paralyzing. I have often been accused of "dying a thousand deaths" because I think through all the negative things that can happen when I fear a storm is looming. What I have learned to do is trust, believe and have faith in these words spoken by my buddy Paul in Romans 12:2: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    I take this to heart and pray to understand God's will and have faith in His promises. I try not to listen to the rumblings of this world about all the things I should be worried about and hold true to my faith in God. I renew my mind every day by spending time studying the Word. Its amazing to me how much peace renewal can bring!

    Thanks for a great message Pastor Steve!!

  2. MelG says:

    Great words Pastor Steve....I too, keep checking that little diagram. Why? I've lived in Florida all my life and by now should know that the cone of uncertainty is literally Uncertain. So just keep persisting and stop getting distracted by the what if's. I'm prepared, as I'm sure all of us veteran floridians are, so really it shouldn't affect me at all, right?

    That's exactly what you and Pastor Mary have been teaching me this month with Persistance. If I am a believer, God is with me, so whatever "cone" I find myself in, whether bad weather, financial struggle, illness, etc. it is actually a cone of CERTAINTY that God will bring me thru it victoriously. All I have to do is keep my eyes on Him, His Word before me and my faith steadfast. Thank you for reminding me of that every week!!! Your weekly encouragement is just like Hurricane Preparedness! I'm already prepared for whatever storm comes so I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder.

  3. I love simple, relate-able truths like the one you presented today Pastor. This is one of the reasons I cherish the "care-free side" that God has given me. It doesn't always do me good; but in cases like this I remember the many storms that i (we) have survived...weather storms or otherwise; and I've had to learn over the years to trust God. I rather trust myself, cuz it's easier... but that's where the worry always creeps in.
    I REFUSE to WORRY... and I pray that with His peace and strength I can continue to live ALL the days of my life in this way !!

    Prepare for the worst; pray for the best and trust God.

    Sheepdog forever!!

    Thanks Pastor... great blog!!

  4. Love this Melanie... "it is actually a cone of CERTAINTY that God will bring me thru it victoriously."

  5. Anonymous says:

    Love this! Especially the "the storm is painful, but the "what if's" are paralyzing" - awesome truth! Thanks!

  6. Rosi says:

    As one who is plagued with the what ifs, and the paralyzing effects of the unknown The Lord has proven time and again, that it's all gonna be alright if we just press on through the wind and the rain and maybe even walk on that water.

    Thanks Pastor!

    Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

    Isaiah 40:31 "But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

  7. trivera says:

    "Keep healthy, happy people in your friendship circle". YES! The people you permit to pass the storm with you are so important. People who keep you grounded and direct you to God when you're at your worse. Also, people who won't let you have pity parties a.k.a TOUGH LOVE ;)

  8. Unknown says:

    Always enlightened by your blogs pastor. Was only able to get to this today since my day seemed a little like a Tropical Storm paper wise yesterday. But glad I took a few min. to read! I've experienced both Hurricanes and Blizzards in the natural world! Neither are nice! I've experienced both in my personal/spiritual world as well! But, your right having happy, healthy people as well as strong people (my MLC family) to stand by your side while the windows of your life are rattling and about to burst well it's the upside of it all! and for the long haul I cling on to Habakkuk 2:3! As well as Psalm 136 (MSG is my fav version). He is God None like Him and He'll bring us through it all!

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